I bought a Hawkins course from Nightingale -Conant in UK -The highest Level of Enlightenment. At the end is a Q & A session where someone asked why people in their group kept getting different answers to the same question when doing muscle testing.
Dr Hawkins answer was revealing - he said 78% of the population cannot do muscle testing and another 10% also for various reasons cannot do it. Which to my reckoning leaves 12%! The persons doing it must have NO vested interest in the answer and must be impartial and unambigous with their questioning. Which probably rules out another 10% because there is hardly any point in doing it if you don't have a vested interest in the answer since most people do it to answer questions about their own lives.
Also he said that if one asked a question then repeated it , by initially asking you change reality so the second time you ask you will get something different. Which leaves you where?

The rest of the course is fine and is about Consciousness and not about muscle testing. I agree Dr Hawkins is not good at teaching, but he has some things to say which are valid, valuable and interesting, also he has a funny sense of humour which is appealing.

Make of it what you will?

Love & light

[This message has been edited by Faune (edited March 08, 2006).]