Philip, I hope you enjoy your HB material. Higher Balance provides info with each cd. I think one of the most intense cd's of charging ourselves with prana (God force, universal energy-whatever you choose to call it)is the Water of Life cd. (I believe that is an exansion module.) I have just arrived in the UK -am visiting a friend. I have really enjoyed my trips here. Even though I enjoy much of HB's meditations and info, I feel that Learning Strategies provides top of the line courses, and I too would feel lost without having their courses or listening to their paraliminals. I have no problems in accepting any of Learning Strategies teaching content or information (although after reading info on the internet about David Hawkins I admit, I am challenged.) I think the material offered from HB is different from that offered by Learning Strategies-although in many ways I think they complement each other. Some of the things Eric Pepin teaches contradicts some of my most fundamental beliefs. I am not saying he is wrong and I am right, but it is different and, as most people, I am skeptical of a particular doctrine or of almost any one's personal ideas. Even though I do not understand all that Eric teaches, I think his meditation cds are great. I think it would be a bit unfair to other readers to not mention that some of Eric's ideas might contradict the beliefs that many of us have-as
Christians or non-christians. I do think Eric Pepin is a very sincere & loving person-for whatever that is worth. Sincerely, khalah