[Coldrayne you seem to know everything]

Very wrong. I don't even think Eric Pepin knows everything. It would be a very boring life if we knew everything and there was nothing else we could discover. Vernon Howard said just weeks before he died that he was still amazed at how much he learned about himself everyday.

[By the way have you guys tapped into EFT yet? It's a very powerful way of creating significant changes in one's energy systems]

This does exactly that. So does QiGong. Do EFT and HB. They won't interfere with each other.

The only thing I need to say about the Foundation meditation is you have to focus on the lifeforce comming into you. If your mind wanders off, you are just breathing. You are just an animal taking a breath. FOCUS is attention and it's what animals don't have the way we do. Thinking about energy and the energy body is THE connection. You must focus the power into you. Once you're done you can let your mind wander all over the place but don't let it wander when you're doing this meditation.

10 minutes on each chakra is the MAX, not the rule. Most of the meditation cd's take less time than that- 25 minutes for all three and that includes the centering at the beginning and end. In the beginning - before you get your cd's just shoot for 5. It's harder than you think to pay attention for that long. It's because the babbler wants to run the show and you have to rise above it.

Give it a shot and then tell us what happens.

[Some of the things Eric Pepin teaches contradicts some of my most fundamental beliefs. I am not saying he is wrong and I am right, but it is different and, as most people, I am skeptical of a particular doctrine or of almost any one's personal ideas. Even though I do not understand all that Eric teaches, I think his meditation cds are great. I think it would be a bit unfair to other readers to not mention that some of Eric's ideas might contradict the beliefs that many of us have-as
Christians or non-christians]

I believe whole heartedly in Original Christianity but not in the modern church-based religions of today. I see why Eric would stir up some feelings in most people but when you start talking about "The Force" as if it's real, I'm surprised he's not seen as a quack.

[This message has been edited by Coldrayne (edited February 28, 2006).]

[This message has been edited by Coldrayne (edited March 24, 2006).]