[The book arrived two days ago and I have found it most enlightening but not as enlightening as your summary.]

I think that the Navigator book is a good introduction to lots of things but it's main point is to help you notice that you have these certain hunches that can only be described as "callings." Have you felt them much over the years? They defy logic most of the time. Why do I feel it but other people don't? I think that's what the book is about mostly. Not attaining "enlightenment." I don't think you're ever really enlightened to everything at once. I think that understandings come in waves. I study new topics, I don't fully get them right now but I keep going anyway and WHAM all of the sudden I "get it." I think that's enlightenment but then we just go on to new things.

[In my search I would be most grateful if you could help with the issue of mediating for manifesting abundance.]

Wayne Dyer has a Cd called "Meditations for Manifesting" and you can get it at amazon.com for as little as $9, maybe even less off of half.com that deals with that. I've had that cd since it came out and I got to the point where I got what I wanted but I got bored with it easily and then wanted something else. I found that what I really wanted was "abilities" and not things. Things that wouldn't fade in time. I still do that meditation now and then because it changes the frequency of your whole body and the effects last a long time. Higher Balance also has a manifestation expansion module but I don't have it yet so I can't comment on it. There really isn't anything that I "want" anymore other than to get more and more information to study, and honestly I have alot more than I can handle right now and I'm trying to manifest more time in order to do it all.

[Goodness knows what the impact would be if it was possible to integrate EFT, SFQ, Sedona and Higher Balance!]

That's exactly why I'm here and not on some other forum. This is the best "focused" forum there is, in my opinion. When I go to other forums and try to talk about esoteric things either they don't want you to talk about anything but what they're into or they're so scattered that they're talking about EVERYTHING and getting results at NOTHING and all they do is talk and talk and talk and no one has really done anything. I mentioned Eric Pepin on a Psionics forum once and they all immediately discredited him because he used the term "the force" instead of psionics but to me they are the same thing. Then there's the silly new age forums where they believe everything but don't verify anything scientifically with real results and those places are scary. They talk about channeling beings from Venus but then if you ask them if they have even contacted their own spirit guide they say, "Oh, that's Sylvia Brown nonsense and we don't do that here." I mean, cummon! Who cares who said what.

And then there's the people who are so phobic toward religious ideas that you can' t mention "white light" the way you have because they were told that's the Holy Spirit but to them it's ok to cast magic spells. Now what the heck do they think they're doing. One person prays and another does a magic ritual, it's the same thing. They're focusing their will, moving the lifeforce and making things happen, who cares what you call it.

I'm not into the Sedona method per say but I assure you that I do the same thing from time to time so it would be stupid of me to put it down. I like the Christian term "surrender" better but that' s just me

I like the word you used- integration. Lately I've been combining Photoreading with Coordinate Remote Viewing (via David Moorehouse) with Higher Balance with a form of Twilight Theurgy and I've been getting "weird" results that I don't even think anyone would believe but the basis of everything I do is meditation. It's all done right through ordinary meditation. I just combine everything I know from all the various sources and just do it. One link in the chain isn't any better than any other, they all have to be strong.

I owe all this to Photoreading and Spring Forest QiGong mostly though. Without them I probably wouldn't have been steered toward this path in the first place.