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#17029 02/27/06 10:49 PM
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Philip Offline OP
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Hello - I have been following this excellent thread. I have ordered the Foundation set from the Higher Balance Instituite and am waiting for delivery in the UK. However, in the meantime I wonder if our network could supply some answers - Coldrayne you seem to know everything and your great network of contributers to your orginal thread - thanks so much.

Geting into a trance is simple enough - but to follow the processes to charge the energy body of self in the physical plane is fairly easy. What I find of deep interest and enquiry is charging one' s spiritual body with energy. To help me focus on working this out from all the correspondence with all the previous Navigator thread - to what do we focus upon when we are obsorbing energy from the universe? Is it focusing on our crown chakra and feeling the energy zooming through our body. And to what end? To charge our pheriperal ,spiritual body we need to focus, to visualise, to concentrate on an image, sounds or a combination of all the above. I am keen to find out what is the protocol - on what do I focus under trance? Or is it something else?

I am not the most patient of people - I am hungry for answers and processes - I am deeply into personal development and incorprate it into my work - but the previous thread on the Navigator has fascinated me and I would love to know more. In my enthusiasm I orderd two texts on the Voyage of the Navigator so any UK folk who would like to purchase it for half price contact me through this thread.

By the way have you guys tapped into EFT yet? It's a very powerful way of creating significant changes in one's energy systems and the best source for me is Gary Craig's stuff integrated with Sedona and the Higher Balance material has got to be worth checking out.

This of course is based on and would not exist without LearningStrrategies great forum and work which without would leave us all wandering in the wilderness. Hope this contributes to another useful and pwerful thread for personal change. And please if you can help my guided meditation before UPS finally arrives I would be grateful.

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Philip, I hope you enjoy your HB material. Higher Balance provides info with each cd. I think one of the most intense cd's of charging ourselves with prana (God force, universal energy-whatever you choose to call it)is the Water of Life cd. (I believe that is an exansion module.) I have just arrived in the UK -am visiting a friend. I have really enjoyed my trips here. Even though I enjoy much of HB's meditations and info, I feel that Learning Strategies provides top of the line courses, and I too would feel lost without having their courses or listening to their paraliminals. I have no problems in accepting any of Learning Strategies teaching content or information (although after reading info on the internet about David Hawkins I admit, I am challenged.) I think the material offered from HB is different from that offered by Learning Strategies-although in many ways I think they complement each other. Some of the things Eric Pepin teaches contradicts some of my most fundamental beliefs. I am not saying he is wrong and I am right, but it is different and, as most people, I am skeptical of a particular doctrine or of almost any one's personal ideas. Even though I do not understand all that Eric teaches, I think his meditation cds are great. I think it would be a bit unfair to other readers to not mention that some of Eric's ideas might contradict the beliefs that many of us have-as
Christians or non-christians. I do think Eric Pepin is a very sincere & loving person-for whatever that is worth. Sincerely, khalah

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[Coldrayne you seem to know everything]

Very wrong. I don't even think Eric Pepin knows everything. It would be a very boring life if we knew everything and there was nothing else we could discover. Vernon Howard said just weeks before he died that he was still amazed at how much he learned about himself everyday.

[By the way have you guys tapped into EFT yet? It's a very powerful way of creating significant changes in one's energy systems]

This does exactly that. So does QiGong. Do EFT and HB. They won't interfere with each other.

The only thing I need to say about the Foundation meditation is you have to focus on the lifeforce comming into you. If your mind wanders off, you are just breathing. You are just an animal taking a breath. FOCUS is attention and it's what animals don't have the way we do. Thinking about energy and the energy body is THE connection. You must focus the power into you. Once you're done you can let your mind wander all over the place but don't let it wander when you're doing this meditation.

10 minutes on each chakra is the MAX, not the rule. Most of the meditation cd's take less time than that- 25 minutes for all three and that includes the centering at the beginning and end. In the beginning - before you get your cd's just shoot for 5. It's harder than you think to pay attention for that long. It's because the babbler wants to run the show and you have to rise above it.

Give it a shot and then tell us what happens.

[Some of the things Eric Pepin teaches contradicts some of my most fundamental beliefs. I am not saying he is wrong and I am right, but it is different and, as most people, I am skeptical of a particular doctrine or of almost any one's personal ideas. Even though I do not understand all that Eric teaches, I think his meditation cds are great. I think it would be a bit unfair to other readers to not mention that some of Eric's ideas might contradict the beliefs that many of us have-as
Christians or non-christians]

I believe whole heartedly in Original Christianity but not in the modern church-based religions of today. I see why Eric would stir up some feelings in most people but when you start talking about "The Force" as if it's real, I'm surprised he's not seen as a quack.

[This message has been edited by Coldrayne (edited February 28, 2006).]

[This message has been edited by Coldrayne (edited March 24, 2006).]

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Philip Offline OP
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Thanks for the excellent advice Coldrayne. The book arrived two days ago and I have found it most enlightening but not as enlightening as your summary.

I am still awaiting the Foundation set though I have tried the meditation you suggested concentrating on the three chakras and was surprised how powerful it is.

Very recently some business has fallen through for me so I focused on new business flowing to me and it worked in terms of creating new ideas.

I also found that tailoring the approach of the three chakra meditation worked for me. By concentrating on changing the colour of the energy to white while focusing on the third eye I was amazed how powerful the process was for me. You are right. One has to focus on the inhale of breath when working with each chakra and it works well. Too well in some ways - its difficult to keep myself awake.

I still await the delivery of the Foundation Set and look forward to learning and then tailoring for my preferences. In my search I would be most grateful if you could help with the issue of mediating for manifesting abundance. If you have any thoughts I would be pleased to experiment - through I will probably buy this set anyway. But your thoughts are what is important - your refinements and thoughts are most welcomed.

The big suprise is applying Sedona at the same time and releasing the need for approval,control and security - now that is powerful. Goodness knows what the impact would be if it was possible to integrate EFT, SFQ, Sedona and Higher Balance!

Anyway thanks for your great posting and I look forward to reading how this thread evolves.

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[The book arrived two days ago and I have found it most enlightening but not as enlightening as your summary.]

I think that the Navigator book is a good introduction to lots of things but it's main point is to help you notice that you have these certain hunches that can only be described as "callings." Have you felt them much over the years? They defy logic most of the time. Why do I feel it but other people don't? I think that's what the book is about mostly. Not attaining "enlightenment." I don't think you're ever really enlightened to everything at once. I think that understandings come in waves. I study new topics, I don't fully get them right now but I keep going anyway and WHAM all of the sudden I "get it." I think that's enlightenment but then we just go on to new things.

[In my search I would be most grateful if you could help with the issue of mediating for manifesting abundance.]

Wayne Dyer has a Cd called "Meditations for Manifesting" and you can get it at for as little as $9, maybe even less off of that deals with that. I've had that cd since it came out and I got to the point where I got what I wanted but I got bored with it easily and then wanted something else. I found that what I really wanted was "abilities" and not things. Things that wouldn't fade in time. I still do that meditation now and then because it changes the frequency of your whole body and the effects last a long time. Higher Balance also has a manifestation expansion module but I don't have it yet so I can't comment on it. There really isn't anything that I "want" anymore other than to get more and more information to study, and honestly I have alot more than I can handle right now and I'm trying to manifest more time in order to do it all.

[Goodness knows what the impact would be if it was possible to integrate EFT, SFQ, Sedona and Higher Balance!]

That's exactly why I'm here and not on some other forum. This is the best "focused" forum there is, in my opinion. When I go to other forums and try to talk about esoteric things either they don't want you to talk about anything but what they're into or they're so scattered that they're talking about EVERYTHING and getting results at NOTHING and all they do is talk and talk and talk and no one has really done anything. I mentioned Eric Pepin on a Psionics forum once and they all immediately discredited him because he used the term "the force" instead of psionics but to me they are the same thing. Then there's the silly new age forums where they believe everything but don't verify anything scientifically with real results and those places are scary. They talk about channeling beings from Venus but then if you ask them if they have even contacted their own spirit guide they say, "Oh, that's Sylvia Brown nonsense and we don't do that here." I mean, cummon! Who cares who said what.

And then there's the people who are so phobic toward religious ideas that you can' t mention "white light" the way you have because they were told that's the Holy Spirit but to them it's ok to cast magic spells. Now what the heck do they think they're doing. One person prays and another does a magic ritual, it's the same thing. They're focusing their will, moving the lifeforce and making things happen, who cares what you call it.

I'm not into the Sedona method per say but I assure you that I do the same thing from time to time so it would be stupid of me to put it down. I like the Christian term "surrender" better but that' s just me

I like the word you used- integration. Lately I've been combining Photoreading with Coordinate Remote Viewing (via David Moorehouse) with Higher Balance with a form of Twilight Theurgy and I've been getting "weird" results that I don't even think anyone would believe but the basis of everything I do is meditation. It's all done right through ordinary meditation. I just combine everything I know from all the various sources and just do it. One link in the chain isn't any better than any other, they all have to be strong.

I owe all this to Photoreading and Spring Forest QiGong mostly though. Without them I probably wouldn't have been steered toward this path in the first place.

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Originally posted by Coldrayne:

Very wrong. I don't even think Eric Pepin knows everything.

Even God doesn't know everything. Thus the reason for this physical universe so God can see how things turn out.

But Eric Pepin certainly defies explanation. I spent a weekend at a retreat in Portland last fall where he talked both days (this resulted in the DVD "Warriors Wanted, Apply Within"). Eric didn't perform any miracles but I also have a copy a old CD called "Bending Reality". This CD is no longer released but if you are in the Star Reach program, you may be able to talk your coach into sending it to you near the end of the first year. Eric had not yet refined his teaching techniques or transended his ego and he thought showing people miraculous things would help them on their own spiritual path (it didn't). Eric now uses his ... power ??? to generate the best materials to help people on their own journeys.

The coaches tell me that people in the Star Reach program now acheive the same results in one year that use to take Eric's personal students four years to acheive. All of the Star Reach coaches have studied directly with Eric for more than 5 years.

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I have that DVD set. Were you there when it was filmed?

Also, how long is the Star Reach program? I'm in my 5th month and I've been told I can extend it if I want but they didn't say for how long.

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I've been following the discussion on Higher Balance institute for a while, so I thought I should give my 2 cents now...

I have a copy of Higher Balance institute meditation CDs and also Eric Pepin's talks on the subject.

For those who are long time meditators and have some indepth knowledge of principles of Yoga and Tantra, what Eric is saying and teaching is neither new nor original... its thousands of years old as discovered by the Yogis and tantriks of India - and there is so much more from where it all came from...... If anything, HB's meditation is a diluted version of some of the tantrik meditations... HB's meditation focuses only on 2 or 3 C'akras (energy centres) and that too without the mantras... and without giving in depth knowledge of the C'akras to the meditators so they can focus on those aspects of those C'akras.

This is not to say that there may not be some benefits for the beginners by doing HB's meditations, but those who are interested in advanced/more complete knowledge of this topic should really study Yoga and tantra in depth.

With practice over a certain period of time, the 'supernatural powers' naturally develop in anyone who performs these meditations diligently.... nothing 'unnatural' can really exist in nature... its just that these are uncommon, so we think it's 'unnatural'.... although the indiscriminate use of these 'powers' almost always leads to the downfall of the meditator. There are numerous accounts of many holy men, Yogis having displayed such feats..... many of these things have been experienced as well as documented by those who have attempted to meet such people. Even in these days, it is possible to meet such people in certain parts of India, Tibet and other parts of the world. Books like ' An autobiography of a Yogi' have many such accounts..

Interesting thing is that much of this knowledge and methodology of relatively purer techniques are readily available to anyone to learn - most of the time for free... from a genuine Yogi/Sadhaka/Guru. Of course how much one progresses on these paths depends upon one's sincerity and diligence.


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Originally posted by Coldrayne:
I have that DVD set. Were you there when it was filmed?

Also, how long is the Star Reach program? I'm in my 5th month and I've been told I can extend it if I want but they didn't say for how long.

Yes, I was there when the DVD was filmed in Portland in September of 2005 over a two day period. I was somewhat new to meditation. I started meditating with Higher Balance Foundation in Dec 2004. I started the Star Reach program in Feb 2005. It was a very intense weekend. As my wife and I (she is also in the star reach program) drove to Portland, I could feel the energy start to build as more people began to gather at the hotel. There were many activities besides the lecture like a group meditation each day and opportunities to talk with the staff of HB and the 70 or so other spiritual seekers that were there. At the time, I had a few paranormal experiences but that weekend really accellerated my learning and understanding of the material.

I am about 2 months into the second year of the Star Reach program. Many students take time off after the first year to digest the materail and work on their own. The first year goes to fast to cover everything in depth. They do have a discount for the second year. I now have all of the audio CDs. In the second year, they send you Direct Manifestation, Mind Storm and the In Between. These are all relatively new material compared to other CDs. The other CDs are more than 5 years old. DM is vintage 2004. MS and I-B are spring 2005. It is easy to say that you can learn this material from someone else, but I do not believe that to be the case. I also believe the second year CDs could not be used by someone who had not spent at least a year working with the other expansion modules. The HB staff has many, many examples of people ordering DM without doing enough other work and not having the understanding or results. The other 2nd year modules are even more mind-blowing. Mind Storm is controlling the weather and the In-Between is acheiving the same state of mind that masters such as Jesus used to perform their miracles.

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That's awsome. I already planned on doing Star Reach for as long as they'll let me. I tried to buy Direct Manifestation in the beginning and they wouldn't let me. They said I wouldn't understand it.

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