
I love Auto of a Yogi but didn't understand half of it until I started studying Quantum Physics. Sure, Yoga was first but "I" didn't understand it until I found some modern dude who could explain it in language "I" could understand. Now that I can understand that I go on to other stuff. Learning never ends. Who cares what year something came out, for ME it's bran new. I didn't understand the Gita until I got Yogananda's book explaining it. But even if we study an ancient art we're going to do it with our modern minds. If you think about it, Yogananda probably got criticized too for "ripping off" various paths. He didn't just preach Yoga, he combined it with Chrisitanity too.

Eric does tell people to study yoga, reiki, gigong and everything else that is the source of this material. I can think of 1000 things not covered in the Foundation Meditation Cd- sources, origins, pitfalls along the way etc. There's only so much you can cram into a couple cd's. The expansion modules go into all that other stuff you mentioned and they're seperate so people can buy only what they're interested in.

There are thousands of paths to awakening and this is but one of them. Follow them all if you want.

I was initiated into Kriya Yoga about 10 years ago via Self-Realization Fellowship but I also study pretty much everything else under the sun. I have discovered that practically everyone is doing the same thing but only calling it something different. The only downfall I've found with any system of self awakening is IDENTIFICATION with processes or results. Krishnamurti talked about this in practically all of his books but since the subject is so well known, I don't feel the need to elaborate on the obvious issues. People have to read up on these things on their own.