TheCoyote, Coldrayne

Never thought I would run into other Star Reach participants!!

I have been involved in Star Reach for about 7 months now, but seem to be one of those trouble cases that the coaches can't seem to figure out what to do with.

Wondering if you have any insight you could give concerning meditation and being able to give more focus to the chakra point. For me I can barely feel anything, even when I am directly touching with my fingers. After a few seconds the touch fades into obscurity.

My thoughts have been that years of negativity has left me with a negative prana balance and that is maybe why I haven't really had any experiences of any noteworthiness and feel almost nothing (also probably too intellectual).

Any thoughts are welcome from either of you.

TheCoyote, any chance getting a copy of bending reality from you?

"What you don't know isn't the problem;

it's what you do 'know' that just isn't so."

Finley Peter Dunne ("Mr. Dooley")