I also never expected to meet any other SR participants.

I like the coaches at Higher Balance, but one has to remember the benefits and drawbacks to being in their position. The coaches are very young. Most do not have that much experience with teaching programs outside of Eric's school. Most have been with Eric for a long time and learned when his teaching method was not as refined as it is now.

But they also have benefits like the fact that they work with many students and answer many, many questions from the help line. They are around Eric's energy and each other's energy and that builds a certain momentum.

I would not presume to be able to answer questions that they cannot but I will do my best to give you a few suggestions.

1. We are responible for our own spiritual development. A coach can only provide a small amount of guidance. Periodically try and quiet your mind when doing other things besides meditating. Especially when about to start things that could be considered spiritual. Then try to listen to intuition or inner voice. Should I be reading the forum or should I read "On Love and Lonliness" by J. Krishnamurti? Should I meditate right now or shoud I enjoy a walk through nature?

2. It is possible that knowing what is possible may limit your own developement and experiences (like the thread on cloud busting that is going on in this forum right now or Eric's CD on Bending Reality). Everyone's awakening by the Universe is different and it doesn't really translate into words. Remember experiences will not generally happen during meditation.

3. Meditation is really to quiet the mind and improve the focus. To focus on your chakra points, you could try putting "Icy Hot" heat rub on your fingers. Or you could skip the touching all together. Just try to bring your entire focus inside the location of the chakra point. And then anytime you are aware of anything external to that point in your body, like an itch or the Fed Ex guy knocking at the door, in your head, say "thank you for reminding me that my awareness was not fully in my chakra" and go back to focusing on your chakra.

4. Meditation is also about developing the sixth sense. At the begining, your brain only recongizes the channels from your five senses, so when it gets information (or energy) from your sixth sense, it contectualizes that info as comming from another sense. Eric believes touch is the sense closest to the sixth sense, so the touch of the chakra is to try and bring energy (information) through touch but that information could also come through another sense or directly from your sixth sense (without editing of another sense).

5. Don't have expectations. (I'm sure you have heard this.)
