[Wondering if you have any insight you could give concerning meditation and being able to give more focus to the chakra point.]

Everything is electricity. Attention is electricity. If you are focusing on what you are doing, you are doing it right. Focus on the feeling. A thought is a frequency and it sends electricity through your body. If you focus on a depressing thought, you recalibrate your body to operate on a lower frequency, one that damages the body over time. If you focus on Lifeforce comming into your body, you are using your mind to capture that energy and you are sending that electricity directly to you. Remember what you know about the organic body. It can't sense this energy most of the time, it's so tonalized with the planet. It's (the meditation) effecting your energy body that can only be sensed using the sixth sense. It's subtle. It requires a different kind of sensing in order to feel it. It's all a part of the struggle to awaken. Just keep trying. It's the effort that shapes you.