A couple of my posts over on SFQ got edited because I went "off topic" so I think certain things must be said, more out of respect and giving credit to where the credit is actually due.

As much as I go on and on about Higher Balance's courses on this forum it's worth mentioning that I wouldn't be where I am today without Learning Strategies Corporation.

Without the Photoreading course I wouldn't have been able to get through ALL that I had to get through in order to arrive at where I am today. I literally would be 5 years behind where I am today. I wouldn't even know about the Handbook of the Navigator because I wouldn't have bought it. I would still be "slow reading" all the other stuff that I had. And if it wasn't for Photoreading I wouldn't have the time to invest in Spring Forest QiGong which is what lead me to want to understand "Lifeforce" and all it can do. I may sound like a preacher for Higher Balance but that doesn't make it the BE ALL END ALL of anything. It's just one part of a vast topic I happen to be focusing on right now. In a year or 2 I will move on to a bigger, greater subject because that's what we do. We don't stay in one place all the time and just sit around.

Nothing I ever say about anything else is a put down to LS. I've tried most of their stuff and I combine it with everything else and if you're here then you've done the same thing. One hand washes the other. One learning course makes you smarter so you can go back and get better results with everything you've learned up until this time. One thing isn't better than another. Higher Balance isn't better than Silva or Sedona, they're probably very similar and chances are in time (if we can) we'll learn it all and use it all and "stack" one system on another.

If we just stick with one guru we'll get bored. After I used SFQ to heal myself of every ache and pain I had I GOT BORED and wanted to see what this Lifeforce could do so I went back to Photoreading everything I could on the subject of Lifeforce and what did I find? Something more and something more and something more. It never ends. Learning never ends.

I just hope everyone understands that this is LS's forum and I NEVER in any way want to come across as not being appreciative of what they've done for me and I never in any way want anyone to get the impression that I think a course sold by someone else is better than anything here. I just like "a larger view" of things and tend to rand and rave about new things I find and since this is LS's website, we are all familiar with their courses and their course descriptions (on this site) are better than most of what I can say about the courses so I do tend to talk about "other" things a bit more but that doesn't in any way reflect how IMPORTANT something is or isn't. It's just a post, man. We're just talking.

Now that I got that off my chest, I feel better