Aloha Coldrayne;

I believe that you are coming from a good place in regards to the enthusiasm you put out there regarding Higher Balance. If you are enjoying this then take this ride as long as you can as nothing lasts forever.

You obviously have jumped into a higher frequency of sorts with the inspiration you have found in Higher Balance but I would suggest that not everyone is in that same pace you were when you found "it".

There is an old tale by the Tinglit Indians in Alaska about crabs being caught in a pot. If one crab finds a way out of the pot the others will grab onto it and pull it back in so they all stay together.

So it would appear when you deal with different groups of people.

In my experience you can learn about Astral projection, teleportation, ESP, levitation, mind reading, remote viewing
and the never ending list of possibilities
out there that all await you, but what about right here and now?

Right here, right now you can choose to Love, Forgive and be Kind. You can decide to enjoy Happiness, Success and Peace based on the blessings you already hold.

You can always find that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence
but that is not going to benefit you here and now.

Life is one long labyrinth and soon as you find one answer, many more questions will pop up to muddy the water. To find the answers is good work, it is fighting the good fight.

But probably the greatest achievement is going down the path enjoying every moment of it as you go.

This old value of doing good work so that someday you will get to heaven I think is a bogus ideal.

stick your sword in the earth and say "Heaven starts right here and right now" The heck with waiting for it.
