Aloha Coldrayne;

Although it seems on the surface that we agree I didn't jump in here to discuss abilities and doing things but more your response to things, like everyone should share your viewpoint and I don't.

The frustration you seem to put out there because you couldn't put HB on the SFQ forum. Being edited is not the same as being Censored.

BH is the right forum to express your views, the LSC Police will not be coming to take you away.

We all have to play by the rules because that's how we get along. Showing some common respect to the people that run this operation will only benefit you. ( No, I don't get paid for this). They are people too.

To tell you what I think is that you are bumping up against an internal barriier
that you are not facing and instead pointing fingers at everyone else making more problems for yourself.

A clue to this might be when you found SFQ Boring and weren't will to persist and go deeper into the emptiness and clear out this blockage.

You can sit there and "make yourself right, by blaming others" or your can deal with your own internal Kingdom of Heaven. You choose.

Hint: Go fight the real fight that you can win.

