[The frustration you seem to put out there because you couldn't put HB on the SFQ forum. Being edited is not the same as being Censored.]

WHOA! I'm not frustrated. The posts over on SFQ actually dealt with "dark entities" that someone was having difficulty with. When they edited me over there Brian pointed them here to the Navigator Post and what I didn't want people to think was that I thought that Higher Balance was the solution to everything.

[To tell you what I think is that you are bumping up against an internal barriier
that you are not facing and instead pointing fingers at everyone else making more problems for yourself.]

I think you missed what I was intending to say in the first place. I haven't pointed fingers and I'm not aware of what problem you're refering to. The edits over there just seemed to say that the Navigator post was what I was talking about. I wanted to "set the record straight" that I didn't want HB to look like my answer for everything, and that was what the edits seemed to say. I wish he would have just deleted them but oh well.

[A clue to this might be when you found SFQ Boring and weren't willing to persist and go deeper into the emptiness and clear out this blockage.]

This is exactly my point with SFQ. And it's why I continued my study of QiGong in general after I completed the course. I didn't find it boring. I found it to be very effective. Once I healed myself of all aches and pains I wondered what else "Lifeforce" could be used for. If "healing" is your only concern, then you'll look at every problem as a sort of "blockage." I just got interested in the part where we put energy back into the body. Remember the part in Level II where you put energy back into the body with the hands? I wanted to know if I was using my own store of energy or using the energy around me to do this. In studying EVERY style of QiGong I could find I found that there were several different belief systems. Some say you used your own energy, some say you used the person's energy, some say you used your guru's energy, some say you used the surrounding energy and some say you used energy from the spirit world and some say you used a combination depending on what you're intentions were. If I'm using MY energy, that's a finite supply that I must replenish. If I'm tapping the ambient energy in the room or tapping the "spirit world" then that's a limitless supply. With me, since I didn't have much to heal in myself I wanted to know if this Lifeforce could be used for something else. So that's what I'm doing now.

[I didn't jump in here to discuss abilities and doing things but more your response to things, like everyone should share your viewpoint and I don't.]

So far I haven't discussed a viewpoint that COULD be disagreed with. Even when I said that Holosync didn't "work" for me I said why it didn't and I also explained why it does work for those it worked for. The first post in this thread should have explained that although I ranted and raved about HB here, I contained all that jazz in one thread. I wasn't over on SFQ trying to preach about HB, I wanted to talk about going furthur with QiGong. Since QiGong literally means "energy work" I was responding to posts with that in mind, not following the outlines of the SFQ course, which is what they want and why my posts were edited. I wasn't pointed a finger at anyone about anything. Those posts got edited and made it seem like I wanted people to come over here and read the Navigator post, which made me seem like a preacher boy for HB, which wasn't my intention so I felt the need to "set the record straight."


[You are very gifted in the way you are able to break down foreign and confusing ideas and make them understandable. You make things make sense to those of us who do not have the background (or patience) that you do and I have never once sensed an attitude of superiority or negativity or irritation in doing so.]

Thank you! That's all I really wanted to do anyway. I was amazed at the emails I've gotten over the past couple of weeks telling me that they didn't understand the Foundation Meditation until I explained it. That blows my mind because there are 4 cd's that explain it before you even do it. All I really did here was repeat what I was told but in my own words. I'm not the originator of any of these ideas. They aren't mine.

The only reason I felt the need to bring HB to this forum was because of how much it increased the effectiveness of my Photoreading. I was struggling with Photoreading for over 2 years. I would get really good results one day, and none the next and I would get angry and frustrated with Photoreading and I would blame the system and it wasn't the systems problem at all. It was because one day I had high energy and another day I had low energy. The HB foundation meditation JUST gave me more energy. That's all. QiGong helped me work with what I had but I needed more "gas," so to speak.

The whole point of this thread was that I wanted people to know that one course amplified my results in another course. And then my results with yet another one amplified as well. But I'm not saying that one is "better" than another, but together THEY ARE ALL BETTER. Just beating your head over and over again with one approach is what I see alot of people doing in practically everything. Over on the Photoreading forum everyone is posting about the same problems and I think the problems have to do not with photoreading but with their bodies and the amount of energy they have.

I also noticed on the SFQ forum everyone is having problems also. I think they're trying to drive a car with an empty gas tank. But I don't want to start an arguement because my idea doesn't fit in with "detecting and eliminating energy blockages." That's great but after 10 or so SFQ treatments I think we can rule out energy blockages- they're GONE. If the problem is still there, I have an idea. But I can't say it over there. So I won't. I'll say it here. If they find it, they find it.

[You can sit there and "make yourself right, by blaming others" or your can deal with your own internal Kingdom of Heaven. You choose.]

I've said it before and I'll say it again. All experience is real. We can't know about something that isn't real. If it's not real, then we can't know about it. If we can know about it, it's real, in one dimension or another. Everything we have right here and right now once existed only in the realm (dimension) of ideas, but it did exist as a reality even if it was only there at the moment. It is AN ILLUSION to say that someone isn't at a level of understanding to understand something. When guru's and teachers want to shield their students from something outside of their own teachings, what are they doing? If I had listened to anyone regarding anything, I would have learned nothing. If an idea exists and I learn it, I can reach another one and if that brings me to the boundary of the current information- the only way to go is through the boundary. The boundary is the illusion. There is no emptiness beyond the known. Even empty space is filled with energy and information that no one even knows about and each one of us can be the first to know it, if we'll reach.

I had a long time spiritual guru tell me, urge me, not to study a questionable philosophy. But I didn't listen and I'm glad I didn't because it was exactly what I needed at the time. Now I know things that he doesn' t know and now when I go back and learn from him, everything hits me more intensly and it's all more real and alive, more so for me than his other students. Man, don't listen to ANYBODY about boundaries. There aren't any. Learn it all, do it all. Reality is what you know. Increase what you know and you increase your reality.

Jeff, you said, "the heck with waiting for it."

I agree.