
You seem to misunderstand what I was talking about. Let's pretend you enter into a Dojo or Temple and rather than follow the teachings you want to introduce your own thoughts, although the teachings at this place are centuries old and proven to work.

You want to use American Standard wrenches when everyone else only has Metric and they work fine.

There is a traditional answer to a students question using the exisiting tools but you jump up and try to take over the class with ideas that are very new and really have no proven track record.

I think you are doing a great disservice to those who are starting off with SFQ and introducing such a distraction where it does not belong.

You can whip help the student whip those demons right away with the new potato recipe. Till you meet one for real.

This is old school stuff like I said. My belief is that if it weren't for people like Master Lin or other true Master's in this world then things would be awfully bleak.

You claim to have studied under a Master but have now gone way beyond him. Did he not teach you anything of respect? He will always be your Master
no matter how smart you think you are.

If you were to pretend that going into the SFQ Forum was like entering a Temple where you could quiet your mind, enter the Emptiness and receive all the answers to all the questions you could possibly dream of, maybe it would be different.

I think if you had graciously said "excuse me I've made a wrong turn" no one would say anything but you started ranting and so here we are.

Oxygen thinks we're all tight's "A's" because you walked into the space and made a scene. I think it's your mess.

And it'sOK if you just don't get it.

Life is Good.
