Originally posted by jeffdengr:
I think it's your mess.

I think that's kind of ugly, and probably unnecessary. Coldrayne has already "taken it elsewhere" and is no longer "bothering" the people on SFQ.

Nor am I.

Much as I love what SFQ does for me, what I don't like is the almost fundamentalist and cultish atmosphere that some students seem to cultivate.

And maybe more than the students. Mixing energy forms? Well, let me just suggest that folks read up on the history of that part of the world--I won't just say "China" but consider, please, that there were trade routes where merchants traveled from the Near East to the Far East, with many stops in between. More than merchants--travelers, monks, and adventurers tended to travel with the caravans--and during the evenings around the campfires, discussions would include more than the day's journey.

The techniques of one Master were shared with another--someone would say (in their own words), "Hey, that works, let me add this one." And so on. What is now QiGong also has elements of other energy practices from more than just one place in China, and even places beyond China, including Tibet, India,and Persia.

So QiGong, including SFQ, comes to us in already "mixed" form.

That said, I respect the requests of the moderators, and do not post there (or even visit usually) any longer. I do my SFQ on my own, and if I have questions, I just wait until an answer appears either during meditation, or through re-reading the material.

No point in flaming over this. No point in accusing someone of "making a mess."