I think this thread took an unecessary turn.

The only thing that happened was that my SFQ posts got redirected here and it made it look like I was harping HB to a bunch of people practicing SFQ. I wasn't doing that. I was trying to talk about "energy work" which is the literal translation of "QiGong." It looked like I was doing what Alex talked about- marketing for another company. No, no, no. Even though the "Navigator" posts went on for a long time, talk about HB has been confined to those threads.

My comment about "not turning to other students and saying 'how am I doing'" was a joke, like the joke about potatoe recipes. The point was, if you're even trying, I think you're doing it right- regarding SFQ. With the SFQ cds, videos and books, if you're following along, you will be doing it right.

Jeff, there isn't a "mess" either here or over there. Reread the first post in this thread. I basically said, "I did a booboo and I ain't gonna do it no more." I'm not mad that I got "censored" (I should have chosen another word anyway) and in fact what they changed them to was better than what I said originally, I think. I'm not bouncing over there and telling them how they should do things. The threads the got "changed" were off the SFQ topic anyway, so the answers were obviously going to be off topic.

[You claim to have studied under a Master but have now gone way beyond him.]

I did not say that. I said I studied a philosophy that he urged me to stay away from and as a result I now understand him better. I have more "references" that his other students. The philosophy was regarding reality vs fantasy and I learned that the fantasy is just metaphors for the reality. It was like a dead end that circled around to what he was teaching. So now when the metaphors are used (similar to the metaphorical language of the bible) I'm like, "oh yeah, I get it" where before I didn't get it. But I'm still just the student.

[I think if you had graciously said "excuse me I've made a wrong turn" no one would say anything but you started ranting and so here we are.]

I did say I made a wrong turn and I RANTED about how good Photoreading and SFQ was and how it lead to my understanding of so many other things. That's the message I tried to get across and if you reread the first post in this threa you'll see that's all I said.

[I think you are doing a great disservice to those who are starting off with SFQ and introducing such a distraction where it does not belong.]

I admitted that my posts were a distraction and I admitted that the edited versions were also a distraction. This whole thread was me admitting that I ranted and went off the deep end on non LS related material and I wanted everyone to know that LS's courses deserved all the credit for taking me to where I am today, because people have asked. Someone told me I was "advanced" and I certainly am not. I never claimed to be. I was only passing on information that I was taught by others. Those others deserve the credit. LS deserves the credit among many others.

["other students in the class" shouldn't direct people to other energy methods when the Master implores beginning students not to mix forms.]

I didn't know that. I wasn't told that. The subtitle of the SFQ forum link says..."For practitioners of Spring Forest Qigong to share stories and ask questions." I was also responding to questions that were offtopic to begin with so how could I have known? Besides, I wasn't saying "Hey, do it my way." I was saying "Hey, check this out."

[Remembering that not everyone who is beginning understands what is meant by that advise and having discussion about mixed forms becomes very confusing to the beginner.]

I wasn't advocating mixing teachings. One question was talking about psychic attacks and I responed and after all that's been said here, that question shouldn't have even been there. That's not a SFQ topic. I shouldn't have even seen the question.

[What is now QiGong also has elements of other energy practices from more than just one place in China, and even places beyond China, including Tibet, India,and Persia. So QiGong, including SFQ, comes to us in already "mixed" form.]

HallafreakinLeua! Someone else finally said it!

I wanted people here to understand that I was using what I learned in QiGong to understand OTHER evergy systems. I think it was that previous training that made me get such good results with HB.

Jeff, I've clearly miscommunicated to you and I'm sorry. And I never wanted to confuse any beginners over on the SFQ site. I wish I never started this thread. It's not a big deal but I made it a big deal and it's my fault, not yours.