[I'm sure people realise that since I allowed the topic to continue that you weren't bagging Learning Strategies. If anyone did suggest that, don't take it personally.]

I don't think anyone suggested that.

[Spring Forest Qigong is a healing form of Qigong. People there in many cases are dealing with health issues. Going beyond that just isn't. their interest.]

I know that now but I didn't before, but it was the way I was interpreting the course. Level II seems to be totally focused on healing. Level 1 didn't seem like that at all. In many of the exercises you are moving energy around and in your body. In the Hindu Kriya Yoga system you do something similar but they won't show you that until you study Kriya for at least a year and I was surprised that SFQ "got to the point" in level 1. I'm talking specifically about "moving yin and yang." In Kriya, that is the high point of elevating your consciousness and preparing the vessel (of your body) to accept the higher vibrations of the energy worlds. But of course, I'll keep stuff like that here from now on.


Thank you for the kind words! I'm glad that something I said caused you to use something you already invested it. I have lots of courses sitting on my shelf too that I go back to now and then and I'm surprised at how much I missed the first time around. I think it's because WE do change over time. The more we know, the more things become real for us and not just ideas.