This particular post has been just fermenting in my mind for days now. I've had success w/ PhRing but i really think it's time to kick it up a notch. It somehow never occurred to me that i could just keep PhRing all the books i have. Burn it in! Somehow it just finally clicked for me. Thanks a lot.

Originally posted by Pete Bissonette:

The purpose is to burn in the PhotoReading process and make way for spontaneous activation.

You see, everyone will have a spontaneous activation now and then. When you are PhotoReading that many books you are bound to have more experiences. The brain is wonderful. It will work to replicate the experiences. Before you know it you are having consistent experiences of spontaneous activation and you will turn into a little Pete.

That is not to discount regular activation, which is vital. Regular activation will be easier after PhotoReading all of those books.