I went to the site... though it appeared a tad cheesy, I think there may be something to the content. After reading everything there, I believe that there may be a "non-mystical" explanation for telekinesis, and (god help me) that it may exist...

A MAJOR suggestion: BUY the Instantaneous Personal Magnetism cassette NOW!!! I have a feeling this tape will be a godsend to those interested in telekinesis. The first time I used this tape, I felt as if every cell in my body were BUZZING. Tips of my fingers were tingling too. Also, it felt like the edge of my nose was *sparking* every couple minutes--as in an electric shock.

And here I was thinking, 'personal magnetism' was a metaphor Paul used for 'charming'.

The effect that the webmaster describes seems so incredibly similar to descriptions of principles and phenomenon found in Qi Gong and Tai Chi -- Tiger's Paw, Ball of Chi, Energy in finger tips. Can it be that it is all the same—just different labels? Kirilan photography measures *something*--but does it measure magnetism? Does it measure the negative charge of cells? Does it measure Chi? Does it measure psi energy? What the hell is chi anyway--in a non-mystical definition?

Or are all these things …. merely different descriptions of the same phenomenon? (!!!!!) “There is one eternal truth, but infinite ways of perceiving that truth!”

With kirilan photography, after a person drinks a cup of coffee, smokes a cigarette, and gets worried, then takes picture of his hand--it looks dead—very little energy. Then, that same person does a 10 minute tai chi form, his hand is ablaze!

This seems to concur with the principles of alkalization that I mentioned in another post--the more alkalized our blood cells are, the more oxygen we get, the healthier we are. High amounts of acid disrupt the charge of our blood cells and cause them to stick together. –in other words, drink that coffee, smoke that cigarette, get worried—produces acid, disrupts charge—take a Kirilan photograph--no chi, no psi, no charge.

This may be why those who experience a kundalini awakening have virtually no need for sleep, and often develop very particular taste in food—perhaps they subconsciously have a tendency to eat only highly alkaline foods like green vegetables to facilitate flow of energy (aka increase the negative charge of their cells).

There, that’s One Mystery of the Universe Solved.

You know, listening to a set of tapes on Qi Gong once, the speaker mentioned an instance where a Taoist Master sent 'a ball of chi', or a 'psi ball' as you call it, at a bird in the sky. The bird dropped dead. Upon hearing this, I was with someone else, and I have to tell you...we both LAUGHED our asses off. *yeah right*. But you know, as Lao Tzu wrote,


It’s funny,... I realize that this all seems fantastic and ridiculous—and I can’t even believe I am seriously talking about it!