It is best if you have a clearly defined purpose for eveything you read. It gives the book a sense of importance.

The best way to remember anything it to peg it to things in your long term memory. The more links you make to the things you already know the the more accesible that info becomes to your concious mind.

Take the times table we learned in grades school as an example; it is linked to algebra, fractions, radicals, calculus....etc to forget the times table for ppl who have master the basics of math, it is almost impossible.

What im trying to say is, the more important the thing you are trying to learn/read is, the more your mind tends to open up.

If i want to photoread, for example, on the subject of gardening, if i don't approach it with some sort of curiouslity, chances are, my mind is going to put the whole subject off because it isn't important to me and its pending at really LOW priority in my mind.

If, however, i approach the subject of Quantum physics, a subject which i already have a deep curiousity into, my mind would open up and absorb the things i read and it would be pending at a high priority in my mind.

It ultimately comes down to stating a clearly defined purpose. The purpose itself creats a sence of curiosity; you can make a low priority subject become a high priority subject.

Do it for evey single book you photoread, it only take a few seconds to formlate a purpose.

It really depends on wheather or not i have 1.5 to 2 hours to spare. I don't photoread 100 evey single day but it so happens that this week i found the time.

And no i don't get any body pain from it since im a pretty active athlete and i take a few seconds in between every book to stretch.

Yes i do the whole thing in one sitting

[This message has been edited by Elmo9 (edited March 19, 2001).]