We've shifted the direction of this forum to exploring Paraliminal Learning and helping folks get the most from their Paraliminal Learning sessions.

Paraliminal Learning was developed by Paul Scheele in the late 1980s to help people guide their brains in learning new ways to respond to what's going on in life.

Well over 400,000 Paraliminal learning sessions have been sold, which indicates Paraliminal learning is worth consideration.

When listening to Paraliminal sessions will hear multiple voices speaking to different parts of the brain.

Typically, a voice in left ear presents metaphors or guided fantasies to stimulate the creative and intuitive right braing. And, a voice in the left year brings you through NLP processes for your logical, analytical left brain.

As a result you get your whole brain involved in the learning process.

And that, we believe, is an important key for doing something that helps you get the most out of your life.