Well, i started w/ Paramahansa Yogananda in 1968. He really enlightened many of us in the US. Silva started in 1944. He copywrited his stuff in 1966. He trained people like Dyer, Gawain & probably everyone in the accelerated learning field. I guess i just missed him b/c i was in college in 1966. But, look at the people in their 40's. They came along just when Silva was getting national attention.

I personally now believe that everyone has either taken his BLS or home study course & then used it for their own goals. I look at LS stuff & when i studied the tapes for Silva, i was amazed at the similarity; and Paul is in his 40's. No mystery about that. LS does a fantastic job of presenting their material, but i see roots in Silva.

Thing is this: Silva was into spiritual stuff; he was a serious Catholic; he presents his stuff w/ the understanding that it's for healing in order to make this world a better place. So, you can see how this would detract from mass-meida stuff. Heck, he never moved from Laredo, TX. Believe me, Laredo isn't much of a place!!

Also, Silva did not mind too much that people copied his stuff. As long as it was for a good purpose, he just let it go.

I'm reading his Autobiography & he was pretty upset w/ Stern's The Power of Alpha Thinking b/c that guy got all his stuff from Silva. Even had lunch w/ him & then only mentioned Silva once in the book.

After reading all the books & doing the home study course.........i am so impressed. I admit up-front, i like the spiritual aspect, always have. So, now i'm going to take a BLS course this weekend. NOW get this: I pay the $$$ for this workshop. And....i can attend any BLS workshop over and over again w/o paying a dime. They encourage you to attend more than once to get a handle on all the stuff. So that says he wants us to LEARN it more than getting paid for it.

I remember how impressed i was w/ LS's free coaching. That too has shades of Silva philosophy. Silva would be happy w/ how LS does their stuff. Free coaching says that they want us to LEARN the stuff.

But, Silva also has something else that is very important. He understood that there are minds that can train other minds. He trained minds to do what his mind could do. Not every one can do that. Many refused to believe that he could do it even though it was demonstarted over and over again.

I've been meditating for 30+ yrs & have seen alot of stuff. Silva has it all. After reading his Autobiography though i can see that he got more & more disheartened w/ people taking his ideas & using them to just make $$$.

Originally posted by Pratibha:
Jose Silva eh? In what way do you think he "had it all". I've read some of his books and am sincerely interested.

[This message has been edited by Margaret (edited March 22, 2001).]