How interesting!

I purchased the home study course from Silva home office & it had nothing like that on it. The man giving the course was Ed Bernd & it was not a real professional package. However, i was very pleased w/ it.

At any rate: Take want suits you & skip the rest. I never let anyone's philosophy get in my way when i am working on my personal spirituality. People rant & rave about Swami & Mother, but that does not negate the fact that they both have literally saved my life in dramatic ways.

Silva stuff works great. I've had success that borders on miracles or maybe it's just i'm finally getting in touch w/ mySelf. Jose Silva can say whatever he wants; it does not affect the way his stuff works in the least.

Happyday, i think he means that will power can't be seen, yet w/o it, you could not lift your arm. You look at a skyscraper & only see the building that rises from the ground. However, there is a very deep foundation that is holding it up. Like that he means the UNSEEN is the basis of the SEEN.

It's interesting & fun