Good question.

When I look back on the last 9 years with PhotoReading, I've experienced many dozens of spontaneous activations. BUT, often I did not realize it while it was happening. It feels like "automatic knowingness" that surfaces as personal knowledge and expertise. It's like firmly believing the knowledge you have is true, and at the time you don't exactly know where it came from.

More importantly, the information was available when I needed it. For example, one of my hobbies is auto mechanics and keeping the equipment running on the family farm. Many times I have done things, repairs, etc, perfectly having never done them before. I've gone back to my books I've PhotoRead, and sure enough everything was clearly there in black and white.

Another related example, which solidifies my belief in the PhotoReading step is an experience PhotoReading the dictionary. This happened about a year ago. I was re-PhotoReading the dictionary to brush up on my vocabulary. This was on a Friday. Well, earlier that week, I was trying to recall the name of a movie I had just watched a few weeks prior. I could see the whole storyline, characters, but for the life of me couldn't come up with the title. On that Friday while flipping a page per second, all the sudden the name of the movie hit me and I stopped flipping. It was like someone dumped a pail of water on my head. "Powder." Then, I turned a few pages back, and sure enough, I had just PhotoRead that word.

[This message has been edited by Dana Hanson (edited March 23, 2001).]