Originally posted by mgrego2:

I've just begun Image Streaming through use of The Einstein Factor tape set. It has been an interesting experience. I'm waiting to build more experience with the process before trying it for activation. You might look for the book "The Einstein Factor" by Win Wenger and Richard Poe. You can also check http:\\www.winwenger.com or http://www.innovationcentral.org/imagestreaming_1.htm or http://www.debateit.net/improvethought/imagestreaming.htm

I will say that I got some very interesting insights using Win's "Over the Wall" technique and I'm looking forward to trying out "Borrowed Genius."

Hi mgrego2,
Since you have the course "Einstein Factor" (from Nightingale Conant i presume?),I was wondering what do you think of it? Is it worth buying? I need to learn to do image streaming and several of Win Wenger's methods but heard that they are tuff to do without someone else present or maybe 2 tape recorders. Is it much easier for you now to do most of Wenger's techniques like image streaming, borrowed genius, and over the wall with just the course tapes instead of with just his books? I am not sure I should wait for Genius Code to come out later this year from LS and am considering picking "Einstein Factor" up instead. Would really appreciate if you could share with me your insights. Thanks!