I am to assume you have received the home study course and have listened through the tapes?

My view on dreams: (the disclaimer)
A way I view dreams is its our other then conscious mind's awake time, and our conscious mind's sleep time. When we sleep, our mind will spend that time to process information, analyze situations, so on. It is like, the "sub" mind's time to focus on its work of organizing the information of the day. Theory is, if your awake mind can learn to become alert during its sleep time, you can use that awake mind to directly organize the information stored in the sub mind.

The PR home study course has been specifically designed to utilize techniques to best ensure the success of its student. (Aka, NLP techniques) As information becomes better understood and mapped within your mind, the less "learning" time your mind will spend on it, and the more "practicing" time will be spend. If you dream this strongly with the tapes, you may find yourself dreaming of the material you PR. This is something encouraged within the PR course.

Honor and respect to you and yours Ali,
