The following is one of 59 reviews for the Photo Reading Whole Mind System book at It is not a typical review, there are loads of very positive reviews there as well. I did find it interesting, however, and as someone not yet fully convinced, I would like your comments on this one. I haven't got a clue as to whether what he's talking about is true or what, so please help if you can. This guy might be clever, but note that he writes "subconscience" instead of "subconscious" so he could be a dumb no-brainer. So could I, of course.
Well, here it goes:

Cognitive Science, March 15, 2001
Reviewer: Jim Carnell from OK
You are reading this. The letters are about ~18" away from you. The photoreptors on the back of your eye (rods and cones) have a specific density (closeness together). Imagine a whole bunch of circles inside one another (like a target). The closer to the center the more dense. In other words you can't read out of the corner of your eyes because it is your peripheral vision. The density of the rods and cones is not dense enough to be able to read anything more than about ~3" inches away from the focal point of what you are reading (20/20 vision, font size=12, distance from source ~18"). It can't hit your subconscience because your senses can't even ascertain the detail needed to capture the details. Find legitimate scientific (empirical) studies and prove me wrong.