Great comments from both Raanan and ckerins. Thanks for such insightful (pardon the pun) connections in reply to Johnson Brasil.

I agree that the Amazon reviewer didn't read the book well enough to get the concept of PhotoReading or PhotoFocus whereas the two who replied did.

In fact, there IS a VERY important study that came out of City University Department of Optometry and Visual Science, Department of Anatomy at University College, and Hammersmith Hospital; all in London. It was published in Brain, an important international journal of neurophysiology. The article by Barbur, Watson, Frackowiak and Zeki, (1993, Vol. 116) is titled "Conscious Visual Perception without V1." In it they prove something we've been saying all along in PhotoReading. That the primary visual cortex (V1), what we know of as the receptor of the conscious foveal visual input (that the Amazon reviewer knows he "reads" with) is not required in order for the brain to process visual information.

To quote the article, "The results showed that area V5 was active without parallel activation of area V1, implying that the visual input can reach V5 without passing first through V1 and that such input is sufficient for both the discrimination and the conscious awareness of the visual stimulus."

Prior to that study, any scientist would have said what the Amazon reviewer said..."impossible!"

So, I salute everyone who is willing to look to impossible or implausible explanations to explain what we experience subjectively.

Keep PhotoReading!!!