I was so amazed at my personal experience of PhRing that i called Dana and asked him if anyone else had experienced PhRing as a kind of spiritual experience. Honest! I was so unnerved by practically effortless results that it felt like some kind of awakening to me. Dana said that others had remarked to him about a similar feeling.

I am still unnerved by the experiences i have w/ regard to PhRing. I lost a tiny ear ring & just went into Photo focus & i bent down & picked it up w/o my glasses on from a dark blue persian oriental rug. I pick up a book and state my purpose w/o even previewing and end up picking up just what i asked for. IT DEFINITELY BLOWS YOUR MIND. But then again, i know that PhRing has to do w/ the OTHER THAN CONSCIOUS MIND.

Really, PhRing changed my life forever. The amount of $$$ i spent on the course has been returned a 1000 fold and it keeps increasing.

One other thing that i've recently enjoyed as a result of Phring is this: It is SOOOO easy to go back to books for additional info. There is no heavy feeling that i'll have to plow thru the book searching. I just state my purpose & start to PhR. Many times i find myself stopping naturally on the material i need. There is NO feeling of wasting time. I also enjoy knowing that all my books are still accessible to me. There is no sense that i'm done w/ any of them.

I wish everyone could experience the terrific happenings i've had w/ PhRing.