Let me try to attack your questions one at a time.

Is it right that the SpeedReading2000-System is only based on pushing the reading speed forward using accelerated accoustic ticks?

Yes this is true. What the program does is give a steady beat while slowly speeding it up until it hits a peak, then it slows down to a steady pace.

Do you really always read the same SFSRM (For others: Specially Formatted Speed Reading Material) with 6WPL (Words per Line), 7WPL, ...?

I just use the program exactly how it is shown. I printed the material which has about 6-7 WPL.

In the speedreadingforum I just read a post which says that you can get SFSRM with higher WPL from the Website when you have the password.

I haven't visited the site in quite some time, however, I don't think it matters much. You can use any material anyway. I don't think it makes much of a difference.

Isn't it poosible to read a free chosen text, format it via any text editor to a xWPL document ("SFSRM", ha ha) and learn speed reading with any programmable acoustic timer at less costs???

Of course!! You can record the same sound into a microphone into windows 9x and turn the wav into mp3 or leave it as a wav(If you don't know what that means reply back).

Does this system work for you Shaan?

Definitely!! I never realized how much I sub-vocalize until I started the program. It helped to eliminate 90 percent of my sub-vocalizing.

What's your actual speed?

When I first started I was at about 350 wpm. This was in 1999. I started and stopped for a while. Eventually though I got to about 1000 wpm, which isn't too bad.

There's another question: What is about memorizing the whole text after reading it over and over again? It seems to me that it is impossible not to get 100% comprehension.

I thought about that too and so did many other people. You still have to read it though. In addition, you can use other material such as books and the like.

I hope my answers were sufficient. If you have any more questions feel free to ask.