Alpha is fine for relaxing and activating. More alpha helps to lower the predominance of high beta, so it has a net effect of de-potentiating the conscious mind. That's good for using more of the whole mind.

Consciousness follows in sequence after the nonconscious has determined what is important for the conscious mind to know. So you PhotoRead and then become conscious...not simultaneously, but sequentially. That's why you can flip along and suddenly feel a need to stop and back up a page to discover the answer to a question you have been asking. To be conscious of everything during PhotoReading doesn't make sense. The nonconscious processing of information to the eye is 10,000,000 bits/sec. The conscious awareness of what the eye sees is 40 bits/sec.

Don't waste your time. Let you nonconscious guide you. Get conscious afterwards. You can speed up the time between PhotoReading and consciousness, but they are still sequential unless you learn to tap into infinite intelligence, but that's a different paradigm than PhotoReading.

Correct, you don't have to go into Alpha first. I train people to do so to learn how to de-potentiate the conscious mind.

My first experience with the IBVA was to merely enter PhotoFocus...no 3-2-1. Just a breath in, gentle exhale, and PhotoFocus. The EEG immediately registered the change in state to the characteristic signature created by other PhotoReaders I hook up to the machine. If they enter PhotoFocus and maintain state, they are in the zone. Interestingly, if they break state, they know it and it also shows on the machine.