So do you believe that the universe is 6,000 years old? 10,000 years? How old would you say the universe is according to Biblical reconing?

Are you saying that the current set of species are the all the species there have ever been?

And dinosaur fossils were planted by God in the ground? Why would he want to bury dead animal bodies in the ground and age them to look as if they were 65+ million years old? Seems like an awful lot of trouble to go through... making it look like life has been around for billions of years and all.

As for the entropy question, orgone or 'life energy' is "anti-entropic" within closed systems. This is why you begin to grow the day you are conceived. And this is why healers (like Jesus) can heal people with their hands--they are beaming orgone into the effected area, which then spontaneously repairs itself, by itself.

The Theory of Evolution itself has evolved. Now we have "Punctuated Equilibria"--which is what Holo-sync is based on. A closed system more or less stays as it is until the environment stresses it in some cathartic manner. The chaos within the system builds and builds until "a moment of truth". The system either dies or "spontaneously evolves to a higher order."

And Punctuated Equilibria can apply to absolutely anything--not just the evolution of living things. Holosync's Bill Harris uses the example of a highway. You've got 2 lanes and they work great for years. Then population increases and suddenly, the number of cars doubles. The traffic on the highway either grinds to a halt or it evolves into a four lane highway. The increased entropy caused it to evolve to a higher order. Same thing with personal development. Same thing with lifting weights and 1001 other things.

Say all you lift is 30lbs curls for 10 years--your arm doesn't get any bigger or stronger; it stays the same. Then one day, you decide to curl 40lbs. The closed system is not designed to take this kind of stress. It begins to fall apart. Muscle fibers tear. Days later, that muscle 'spontaneously evolves to a higher order'... it just happens. The muscle gets bigger and adapts to the stimulus of 40lbs... your arm spontaneously adapts to the stress placed on it.

This is the evolution of one man's bicep.

Just makes you want to laugh .
