Ok, short of something involving Nazis, this is probably the single worst topic to bring up in a public forum if you're trying to avoid open flames.

I'll take one stab at one, minor item:

"Arent only those adapted to their environment supposed to survive while the others die?"

No. The world is a much bigger place than you're thinking. Anytime you think of big, realize that you're thiking too small, and that the earth is bigger. Once you've done the cycle a few times (big, no small, bigger...) you still are nowhere near close, but you may start understanding how lots of species can evolve and fill minor niches in the ecosystem.

Besides, monkeys are our cousins. We have a common ancester, but evolved side-by-side. If it helps, they do better up in trees then we do.

...and if it really helps your mental picture, just imagine that we're now at the stage where we cut their trees down and kill'em all off to make room for soybeans and rice. :-)
