Originally posted by Mastermind:
Those monkies on Planet of the Apes didnt just evolve by chance, they were genetically modified

Thanks Mastermind... but read into the movie and think about it.

If each form of life is evolving individually, why do we not see striking differences between us all.

For instance why do I only have two arms, 10 finger's, 10 toe's. If we are part of a game of chance some people should have four arms, others have 3 toes and fingers, one eye instead of two...

For that matter why don't we have an eye at the back of our head? If it is truely about survival we would definately be better off if we could see behind us without turning around.

To help develop this topic more let me pose some questions.

Why do we see in color? Do we need that for survival?

Why do we enjoy music, art, movies, books? If all we need to do is survive then our bodies would never have needed such things.

It has been my experience that every scientist that is an evolutionist has forgotten what science is all about. This is because they totally ignore the possibility that there is a creator. When they ignore that possibility they are on a slippery slope of guessing and calling fiction fact.