I became a photosensitive patch of skin somehow. Let's become an eyeball!

I don't know about you, but this makes more sense to me than a 30 year old woman spontaneously *poof*-ing out of nothing from Adam's rib.

Evolutionary scientists are just trying to make sense of their world. They are theorizing, true, but these theories are based on facts such as fossil evidence, uncanny similarities between disparate animals, environment and its relation to physical structure, and that wonderful stuff of logic that connects the facts to a 'reasonable' theory.

So it is a theory. But it makes more sense than any other theory put forth. For that matter, what is the evidence behind the Judeo-Christian Creation myth?

Your stance is that, "there is element of "intelligent work" that is missing and that something is the work of the Christian God." But how do you know? What are the facts? (Besides that 4000 year old book you keep referring to.) What observable "thing" proves the work of God?

"The eye is complex, therefore God made it," just doesn't cut it, I'm afraid. For example, how do you know it was your God and not someone else's? What makes a complex eye a complex christian eye?

I guess what I am asking is... What distinguishes your creation myth from the creation myth of any other religion?

Please answer this last question as specifically as possible.