Perhaps we should go back to the beginning:

Who here believes in "evolution" and who believes in Creationism. Evolutionist, could you please state why?

Evolution, hands down. The more I read, the more it fits what humans have observed.

Creationism only works in one of two ways:

1) You state that the physical description given in the bible is metaphor, and then accept the act of creation as something different, say the big bang.

I don't know why bible-believers don't go this route. It matches both observation and belief.

2) You disregard reams of evidence, and misuse science terms. I'll give only two examples, because these are really complex subjects (like most of science), and I haven't frankly studied enough to give good answers:

a) carbon dating. Despite what's written above, carbon dating works. It's abundantly tested, peer-reviewed, and so forth. Granted, some people perform the procedure incorrectly, but people making mistakes does not disprove a thing. Nor does the occasional situation outside the theory.

b) entropy. Entropy is a very complex statement about CLOSED SYSTEMS. Sorry for the caps, but it's really important to understand this: human beings, and the entire planet for that matter, are not "closed systems": they receive (and give off) energy from (to) the environment around them.

Some of the science discussions here remind me of this silly example of word-play logic:

God is love,
love is blind,
Ray Charles is blind,
Ray Charles is God.

Of course it's quite stupid, but it is logical and matches the overly simplified definitions given.

Same with science: if you keep boiling down difficult concepts like evolution & entropy and then playing with some overly-simplistic concept, you can break that concept. You haven't broken the real thing though. It'll take more work than that.

Last, and jumping to a tangent...

RE: "It's just a theory."

You're right, there aren't any facts (I'm being serious here), just observations, hypotheses (what is the damn plural?) and theories.

However, many of those theories rest upon millions of observations, tests, and other theories which rest upon still more observations, tests, and other theories.

Be careful what you dismiss as "just a theory": soon you're left with nothing but your beliefs, and we're all wrong a lot of the time.


P.S. "Evolution is supposed to be survival of the fittest, instead we have survival of the laziest."

Don't kid yourself, lazy people rule the world. I could easily argue that true success is getting what you want with the least amount of effort. :-)