Jaif, excellent work.

Who here believes in "evolution" and who believes in Creationism ... (evolutionists can email me if you are afraid of being flamed)

The Scopes monkey trial made the US the laughing stock of the world.


If I were Christian arguing against me, here is what I would say, "Being Christian is a matter of faith, solely. I cannot prove what I believe. I just know it to be true. Ever just know something? I feel this to be the case with every fibre of my being. It seems illogical and fanciful to you. But it is REAL to me. And that is what matters. What matters? Ultimately, being a good person is what matters. Does a secular, materialist, godless, evolutionist set of beliefs lead one to a more rich and fulfilling life? If not, then perhaps you should re-evaluate *your beliefs*."

That's how I would counter myself.

Just as in the last thread on historical origins, I do not believe that Christianity holds up when held under intense scrutiny, when you ask, "what's the evidence". I do believe that devout Christians, on the whole, are very beautiful people--more caring, loving, nuturing, and selfless than the rest of us. That is a sweeping generalization, I know, but personally--I think it's the truth.

I outwardly criticize the logical absurdity of Christianity and most religions, but secretly... I am envious of the virtues their unconditional beliefs allot them.