The theory of evolution states that the whole of life came into existance out of nothing

No it doesn't. The theory revolves around the idea that species (I use the word loosely) can change over time by gaining or losing certain characteristics.

Evolution is life-to-life. It says nothing about the ultimate origin of life.

If space does not have oxygen, how did the big bang occur since oxygen is needed.

I'm not sure I understand this, but I think you're trying to say that all explosions require oxygen. This isn't true: for example, atom bombs.

That's is exactly what bothers me with evolution in this society. It is just a theory...

Funny, the atom bomb worked anyway, despite it being based on theories.

I obviously spoke past you before, so let me try this. Yes, everything's a theory, but you are misusing the word to mean "only kinda true and maybe not" rather than "true given this massive body of peer-reviewed observations and tests."

...and there is absolutely no evidence, in the fossil record or anywhere else, that directly supports evolution.

That's silly, it's the exact opposite that's true. If anything in life is a fact, the idea that species change over time is one such fact. You can argue the mechanism (how does the change occur), you can argue that there are other forces at work, but saying that species don't change form over time is, I repeat, silly. It's like saying the earth doesn't revolve around the sun.


[This message has been edited by Jaif (edited March 22, 2002).]