This topic is getting a little old but what the heck.

Jeff, By saying that there is no evidence of evolution in the fossil record, I meant exactly that. You say that the fossil record shows that species change, it does not. (It doesn't show that they don't change either.) In the fossil record, there has never been a specied disovered that is in transistion, either it is one species or another species, period. We don't fossil evidence that shows these sequential steps that must be there. It has been pure hypothesis used to connect these species together. In defense of the fossil record, it consistes of an extremely small sample of what existed in history. Nobody has been able to reproduce evolution in a lab environment either. Genetic science shows many similarities, but again does not directly and exclusively support evolution.

About other theories, you are correct, that unproven scientific theories are put into practice all the time. The steam engine was a classic example, it took science nearly 200 years to prove how it worked. Sometimes they work as expected and sometimes different. The atom bomb was much more devistating that anyone had imagined. In most cases science is open about the fact that it has not been proven. In fact, historically, science has denied theories unless they had been fully proven, steam engine again many scientists denied it worked as they watched water being pumped from mines be the engine.

Darwinism is very different, it has almost become a political movement in this country. If anyone questions it, they are attacked, usually viciously. The supporters of Darwinism are very careful to remove any possibility of "design" elements in evolution.

I'm not saying that Darwinism is false, I believe it is false, but I have no proof. I personally do believe that evolution is quite possible, if not probable. Evolution being a broader term that allows for intelligence, in my view, God.

All I'm saying is that when evolution is taught or spoken about, it should be understood that it has not yet been proven.

Brian, What I wrote before required no courage. Courage is running into a burning building to save a child. Courage is standing up for you faith when you know it will cost you your life.
