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#2726 06/21/01 12:32 PM
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Hi Jovo,

I broke off the experiment. This has nothing to do with this not working, but has other reasons:

First, I already did a lot of the stuff I wanted to do.
Second, I made a capital mistake: I did one Deep Relaxation session in my bed and not on the floor. Result: I fell asleep.
Third, I did Natural Brillance on one of my topics, and suddenly realized that this crazy work and sleep schedule was a kind of escape - I had not to deal with the real problem behind it: My problem with making decisions and setting priorities and stick to this decisions.

I you like to read some more about sleep reduction, search the Paraliminals archive for the original "Feel the Power" posts (Part 1-5).


#2727 06/25/01 01:59 AM
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I just discovered the LS discussion forum and have followed the "Feel the Power" thread with great interest.

A lot of your original posts date back several months. I am curious to know your thoughts about how you think you've progressed since November.

Are binural beats now obsolete with this new harmonic matrix? BwGen allows you to make serious adjustments, but it seems like there is only so much you can do with a static wav file.

How do feel you've progressed, since you started entrainment experimentation back in November? Are you still sleeping 4 hours a night? Do you still juice wheatgrass, rebound, etc.?

Finally, do you listen to any other Paraliminals? It seems to me, you listen only NB. Yes, yes, I know how you feel about this tape. My impression was that you had listened to a wide variety tapes in mainly a delta state. Do you think that a lot of your original work "pushed you to your limits" and now that you are there, you simply listen to NB to maintain your position?

#2728 12/19/01 04:50 AM
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I just discovered the LS discussion forum and have followed the "Feel the Power" thread with great interest. A lot of your original posts date back several months. I am curious to know your thoughts about how you think you've progressed since November.

Thanks. It was a great time in my life. Perhaps an update is in order?

Right, I stopped posting after I achieved a Kundalini Awakening sometime in March—essentially what I had been yearning for--I have no use for Nirvana at this point in my life. My goals were three-fold:

1. Unlimited Power
2. Omniscience
3. Euphoria

The Awakening achieved them all.

as I like to say.

I could think perhaps five times faster than previous. (I mean REALLY fast). So fast that my breath was often insufficient to express the length of my thoughts.

I had access to every memory I had ever imprinted in my life—on demand access.

And I have to say, it really is true what Win Wenger says, that we have enough knowledge in our heads to fill several universities. I understand his predilection for the tape recorder as well. The ideas pour out of your head so bloody fast you can’t even hope to write them down or even type them down for that matter. It is no trouble to spew enough material for a book on ANY subject out of your mouth in the small matter of a few hours.

I cannot tell you, what joy I took in POUNCING on fellow yalies. Figuratively BODY-SLAMMING their pompous intellectual asses into the ground after being an analytical black sheep for three years. So effortless, delighting all the way.

I couldn’t stop smiling—literally a smile 24/7. Every other sentence out of my mouth was so ‘odd’ and witty as to be hilarious to me that I would laugh spontaneously. Totally blissed out. Totally spontaneous.

A state of non-fear. Any sort of shred of anxiety completely gone. Vaporized.

I swear, my mind had regressed to kid-hood!

And I recall being moved, emotionally, by most everything, especially spontaneous visions of my past, songs from my childhood, hours and hours of laughter-centered conversation. The kundalini energy, bolting this way and that—electrical storms of bliss.

But blissed out in a “functional” sense. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m a spiritual capitalist!! an American Buddhist. I place great emphasis on Doing things, achieving, striving, making a difference, but I also value the meaningful and appreciate the vast power hidden within the Eastern mind. No Nirvana for me, thank you very much. Wouldn’t want to see mundane matters for what they are!

Having experienced psychic phenomena first-hand, I can no longer discount the pseudo-fact that there is more to reality than what I can observe. Zen and Taoism? Bah! There is nowhere Buddhism hasn't been. Methinks Buddhism is the greatest 'science' there ever was.

Oh! and how could I forget? My sleep requirements were down to a permanent 5 to 6 hours with no discipline...heaven for me, you might imagine. Sleep reduction has always been a particular obsession of mine.

The personal power was the best, though. The power of “will” without struggle. You “will” something, it happens, it just happens. Natural Brilliance embodied.

That is why I say, be careful of the goals you choose for yourself. If you are of sound mind and body, then you quite literally choose your own limits.

It’s important to:
2. BELIEVE 110%

Don’t be rational!! Don’t be realistic!! Go insane. Perpetual passion. Delight in surreal madness. It’s a hell of a lot better than consensual material reality, I assure you. Isn’t that what we are all really after? The experience of being ALIVE?

So anyway, that was what happened. After that, everything that I had previously been exploring...and all this ‘stuff’ especially, that we were discussing here... I don’t want to offend Learning Strategies, but... my sense of it at the time was, 'what child’s play!' Like, little kid toys. Please don’t get me wrong here, LS is a first class “Gateway Drug”. As alcohol is for teenagers who soon graduate to pot and other narcotics as they age. It is perfect, in fact. The kindergarten of the Mind. Hey, ya gotta start somewhere. Indeed, I owe that experience and who I currently am to Natural Brilliance. Almost entirely, I’d say. By embodying the model, over a period of months, I reached a bona fide enlightenment and proceeding minor financial independence. Who can say where the initial listenings of natural brilliance tapes will lead me decades from now? I do declare NB as the greatest turning point of my life....lays the ultimate foundation for perpetual Quantum Leaps on all fronts!

It all makes me marvel at what the human body, mind and SPIRIT are capable of. (*gasp*...he said the "S" word...(don't tell anybody!))

That everyone has this latent power coiled within their sacrum, waiting to be unleashed. Can you imagine a world populated by minor deities???

*sigh* Alas, to my terrible misfortune, a string of coincidences led to the death of the serpent energy. After a month, the grubby hands of reality pulled me down from the clouds.

Also, I no longer perceived that I had the “luxury” of mental and spiritual development. You see, my grades are very poor because I pay my classes no heed. I’m majoring in history—useless, bloody useless. I don’t want to ever hold a job or ever go back to school—waste of life. And the job market ain’t all that great anyhow. I just want the degree for the prestige to be quite honest—a nominal thing. Thus...I had to do something and quick.

So I photoread a bunch of books, perhaps a dozen, on all aspects of finance/business. That summer, I started my own corporation from zero knowledge, which now is making ca. 35k/year profit. All in all, when I started to act, it took me a mere six days to set it all up, make the deals, etc. Best of all, it’s entirely automatic.

Funny thing, I wrote on piece of paper something to the effect of “By Aug 22nd, I will have created an asset that will generate 35k per year.” I slept on it—actually put it in my pillow case. Sure enough, the prophecy came true 5AM Aug 23rd. The precision of the subconscious mind is incalculable.. Beware of the goals you set for yourself!!!

A side note: the Sales Leap Paraliminal is just fantastic—it’s the only one I still use in fact. Nice to have something like that on your side for killer creative ideas.

I want something more solid though--this is subsistence income--gives me breathing space. After graduation this spring, I’m moving to England and plan on buying up properties and renting them. My brother, who lives there, will provide the lodging. We will both provide the funds. I will provide the brain and brawn. And I won’t stop churning until I have a disgustingly awesome asset salary on which to rest my academic/career/success laurels permanently and take up the Scheele path, full-time. That is, the path of 21st Century Guru.

SO... Where am I now? Now that I have given myself the permission to spend the time on less immediate matters, I’ve been absolutely obsessed with attempting to rediscover the Master Key to Kundalini.

It’s taken me perhaps 3 solid months to crack this case. The thing was... I was involved in like 20 different self-cultivation disciplines at the time!! I had to eliminate them all as possibilities, one by one. Poring over my notes, journal entries, emails, testing this and that over and over some mad scientist...or Prometheus, beseeching the heavens. This entire semester has been quite depressing for me at times. I mean, to have stumbled upon something so magical, something so beautiful, so powerful, and watch it dissipate? It is enough to make a grown man cry. A re-fall from grace. Once wasn’t enough, eh??? But I persevered (if my studies didn’t).

It was just this week, in fact, that I now have reached full understanding of the process. In fact, I plan on enlightening myself and my parents over winter break! Just to test it out on others—and for kicks!! Ha!

My claim is this: I can cause a Kundalini Awakening in any soul within ONE week. I think I can get it down to 4 or 5 days, actually.

Alas, as much as I would like to share this with you all, for intellectual property reasons I cannot.

I estimate seven years to market.

There. I have set the goal.

ALEA IACIA EST – the die is cast

In the dancing light of the cosmic hologram...I perceive, tis already done.

Nice to pop in, as always, and...

Seek ye divine madness!


[This message has been edited by Brian649 (edited December 19, 2001).]

#2729 12/21/01 08:48 AM
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After all this, what do you think about Centerpointe now? Obsolete?

What can you tell a guy that lacks motivation, focus, intensity and the ability to learn easily.
Take that for some self-limiting beliefs. I don't know where they came from, I used to be a 4.0 student while lettering in 3 different sports and even as a team manager throughout High School. I look back at that and then I see myself stuck where I am now. I want to break out but don't know how. Hey, I'm sure you're going to recommend Natural Brilliance.
Better yet, could I trouble you for the genius code mp3 you made for yourself? Maybe it'll help me get started on the right path.
You know how they say that most of us wander around the dark with a flashlight? Well, moi has a laser pointer.
Anyway, any help I can get is appreciated.

- Phil

#2730 01/03/02 05:28 AM
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All these things you’ve mentioned in your last post are the exact benefits I’ve been searching for through the use of L.S. tools and interested me in other forms of learning. The thought that you “could think perhaps five times faster than previous,” is amazing to me because that’s what I’ve been searching for. Somehow I want to establish myself permanently in such a way as you had described. I sometimes feel like I’m closed off to myself and because I want to be a story teller how can I write stories when I’m not in tune with myself. You said, “I had access to every memory I had ever imprinted in my life—on demand access.” That sounds very appealing. As does the fact that “after being an analytical black sheep for three years” that you were able to show up the pompous brats who battered you down with their knowledge. And I can relate with that too. I could actually relate to much of what you described and much of what you had accomplished I have been hoping for. I think, in some way, I’ve limited my hopes and dreams and it has taken its toll on me. I’m trying to overcome it but am having difficulties. Inspiration should come from the internal experience of yourself but when you are not in tune with yourself where might you turn for to find it inside you? I want to be “of sound mind and body” so I can “quite literally choose” my “own limits.” I want to experience a Quantum Leap. And because, like Crazy08, I feel like I lack “motivation, focus, intensity and the ability to learn easily” it is hard for me to believe in things when I can’t truthfully believe in myself. So I ask you, what is Kundalini Awakening and how can I reach it or any similar form of enlightenment?

tall_sided or

Thank you.

#2731 01/26/02 05:20 PM
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A chap emailed me recently.

An excellent question he had. Went like, "And as you are speaking about everything for me is like "childs play" I feel that I can achieve everything I want if I just put myself in the right mindstate! And it would be fun if you could give a detailed description of the state you are in."

And I had the thought... (ooh, irony.)

And I had the thought on how to describe it in NLP / Scheele terms, where Scheele is the world's expert on pre-conscious processing using NLP.

Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Olfactory, Gustatory

Our five senses. As NLP is the science of the subjective and attempts to quantify inner experience for functional purposes it further divides the five senses into:

Ve Ae Ke Oe Ge


Vi Ai Ki Oi Gi

where "e" = "external"
and "i" = "internal"

To illustrate, we can see a red apple, "Ve" or "Visual External" or we can picture a red apple in our minds, "Vi" or "Visual Internal".

The best way I 'thought' to describe my inner experience to this chap using these terms was to say...

there was no "Vi Ai Ki Oi Gi" at all. Nothing.

Zero internal representations. No words, no pictures, no sounds, nothing. Just... external sensory perception-ing or "pre-conscious processing" as Scheele calls it. Nothing more. Just that.

This absence of internal sensory representations was the cause of my euphoria, omniscience, and power.

Makes it sound so simple, doesn't it?

Question is..."what was the cause of killing the internal representations?"

One can say, indeed, I say, that "Liberation" is a "Liberation" from internal sensory representations.

That is as clear as I can describe "The Mindstate" from the NLP/Scheele perspective.

Thanks Tom, great great question.

[This message has been edited by Brian649 (edited January 26, 2002).]

#2732 01/29/02 10:35 PM
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How would you be able to feel liberated if you did not have internal representations of what liberation meant to you? How would you be able to think?

I'm positively skeptical about your findings.

#2733 02/10/02 05:13 AM
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How would you be able to feel liberated if you did not have internal representations of what liberation meant to you? How would you be able to think?

How familiar are you with Eastern Wisdom?

In Zen, the goal is to empty your mind. In essence, to stop thinking, to cease internal sensory representations. This makes you a Super-Man. In Zen and the Art of Archery, the Zen Archery Master aims his bow at the target fires once...bull's eye, fires again, bull's eye, splits the first arrow, fires again, splits the second arrow. The kicker? He's firing in total darkness. Not a snowball's chance in hell he could do this if he were thinking or calculating. True story too.

"Stop thinking and talking and there is nothing you will not be able to know."

In Zen, the enlightened person depicts himself as an empty circle.

Well, that might all sound a bit hokey to someone who's not into this stuff. Fair enough. Let's be immanent.

The experience is much more easily had when one feels a sense or urgency. Ex. You wake up late and have 20 minutes get to're not thinking, you're flying! Or if a paper is due in 1 hour...LIGHT SPEED!!! no time for thinking...just haven't got the 'luxury'.

If the ego is a traffic cop, we're arresting that cop. He doesn't need to examine every peice of information that flies by. He's got the day off.

There is something to be said for, Urgency, though. I've always had this internal oscillation between Relaxed Non-thinking and Tense Non-thinking. I can become a caffeinated, surging Tony Robbins at the drop of a hat. The relaxed path is much more difficult, seems impossible at times.

"Intuition is a suspension of logic due to impatience." --Rita Mae Brown

See? Even Ms. Brown agrees.
Logic = traffic cop
Impatience = urgency
Intuition = pre-conscious processing/ultra-efficient genius

There's also the Flow experience I know you're familiar with, where we challenge ourselves with just the right amount of difficulty to occupy our entire minds. Dr. Mihaly writes that people have the experience of "fading away" and losing a sense of time. The subjects further describe these flow experiences as the most fulfilling times of their lives. A mini-enlightenment!

Esoteric Enlightenment,
Complex Activities,

All of which are clearly examples of an absence of internal sensory representations.

I know one thing: When I am my spiritual best, I'm not thinking. I disappear. It's like God is moving through me.

Yet, I am clearly processing information. I hear no voices in my head. I see no pictures, yet I can be so totally engaged in a heated argument, acting like an olympian intellectual, when I am normally quite inarticulate and bungling in a thinking state.

I personally feel that this whole thinking thing is recursive...indiciative of a fall from nature's plan...a malfunction. We should do away with it completely. Whether you're an entrepeneur, a Renaissance Man, a war-mongering general, a gardener, a yogi master, a computer gamer, you know, whatever your thing is. Whatever games you choose to play in this life. Play them intensely.

#2734 02/11/02 02:18 AM
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Personally, I'm following the path of relaxed awareness and noticing internal and external stimuli to generate options in order to think, speak and act.

I suppose eastern wisdom is very different to things like self-talk and the idea that a thought precedes an act.

Although I would think, that any act that is performed from decision is performed consciously until it becomes ingrained and becomes unconscious competence. I think this bit is Paul Scheele's understanding.

Tony Robbins agrees that your destiny is formed in the moments of your decision. I would think that the first decisions right at the beginning of conscious incompetence and throughout conscious competence are mostly conscious.

I think we are defined by our new conscious decisions. I think the more conscious decisions we make the more power we have in changing our lives for the better.

Can you make a decision without your conscious mind, you can, but it will be more of the same. I think that if you want something different in your life it has to be a conscious decision.

Maybe I'm wrong, what do you think Brian.

I realise there is value in Eastern Wisdom, great value, though I must still do more reading.

You really are a fluent thinker on this board Brian, I admire greatly your ability and talents. Are you writing a book? Do you keep the notes you make? Your writing is par excellence.

Coffee does help me too, I have 1 to 4 cups per day. Don't burn yourself out though.

[This message has been edited by Grant (edited February 11, 2002).]

#2735 02/11/02 06:48 AM
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What if following:

were true?

We cannot help but respond UNCONSCIOUSLY in any and all situations.

How does our UNCONSCIOUS mind know what and how and when to respond?

Does it go through and instantaneously sort and filter all previous experiences that have any thing to do with the current one we are involved in?

Does it then provide stimuli (ViAiKiOiGi)
based on its results?

Do we then ACT accordingly( VeAeKeOeGe), only later to come up with a RATIONAL CONSCIOUS explanation?

What is rational?

What is conscious?

Can any of this be explained OUTSIDE the subjective experience?

IS there anything OUTSIDE the subjective experience?

The absolute most bottom line questions of all time are:





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