okay, what just happened?
i sent a response after Designer -that was not ofensive and now someone erased it....maybe because i wrote the f-word with a "r" in it......

Anyways, i was talking about the marketing aspects. I dont have any doubt that that photo reading is a great system and helps many. So far, it is helping me in various aspects of my life, but i cant critique it well without proper commitment. It does give me confidence and relaxation. I just agreed a little with designer about the marketing involved with it.

I dont understand why some people get upset when some ask a question about finishing their degree faster or similar questions. With the advertising claims, what do u expect?? like for instance, obtain info as "easy as drinking water".

Photo Reading has helped so many people improve thier lives, its just that the ads that appear to good to be true. U do have to be relaxed for it to work which makes it easy, but i guess people give up when they learn they have to activate, rapidread,etc, because the ads don't mention this. That's probably why peeps get frustrated.