If I could photoread like that dude on the infomercial, I would read through all my textbooks on the first day of class and activate all the knowledge in my brain. I would ace all my exams and be at the top of my class. People would call me genius. If I could photoread, I would read the 100 top literature books in a day and impress people with my literary knowledge. I'd read several history textbooks to learn about my nation. I'd finish politics in two days, philosophy in five, anatomy, genetics, and physiology in three days each. I'd master psychology in a day, finish physics in a week, and whiz through astronomy in a weekend. The world would be mine to know, to feel and grasp - as they say - as if it were the back of my hand. Economics, finance, marketing: I'd learn them with relish and make a few bucks. I'd learn to start my own business, play the stocks game with confidence, and even dip into real estate. All this knowledge attainment would be just the beginning of my learning. I haven't even mentioned entire fields of knowledge I could learn, such as drama, computer programming, and music. If I could photoread, I would be capable of anything, everything - all would be possible. I would rule the entire...Alas, am I dreaming?