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Well, I am back again. If you remembered from my previous posts, I didn't do so well on the verbal reasoning section of the MCAT. Here is a review:

Medical Schools find the following scores competitive:

Biological Science 10
Physical Science 10
Verbal Reasoning 9

This was my past results:

April 2001
Biological Science 10
Physical Science 9
Verbal Reasoning 6
Finished 7 out of 9 Passages

Did not photoread material. Just used Princeton Review's Method.

August 2001
Biological Science 9
Physical Science 8
Verbal Reasoning 5 OUCH!
Finished 7 out of 9 Passages

Had started the PR course two to three months before. PRed the exam, and rapid read and SR/dipped to find the answers. Not much success.

Afterwards, I received some guidance from the regulars on this forum and Learning Strategies on how to tackle this problem. I had a plan to PRed with a purpose, rapid read the passage, mind probe, try to answer the question and superread/dip to discover the answer if it did not present itself to me. I did over 100 practice verbal reasoning passages getting about 60-70% correct. That's about a 7 - 9 score.

The April 2002 MCAT came and went and I recently discovered my scores.

Biological Science 10
Physical Science 9
Verbal Reasoning 7
Finished 9 out of 9 Passages

I did finish all the passage to my delight but that was attributed to the absence of underlining important words as taught in Hyperlearning Princeton Review Course. The fact is that my scores did not significantly increase from the first time.
My VR score is still going to give me a problem in getting into medical school. I feel so embarrassed. I don't know what else I can do. It would be too late and risky to retake the MCAT and I honestly don't know what I could have done differently.
I have read about so many success stories and I wish I could be one of them. I have read a NASA study done on Photoreading (which could either be a well-designed study or not) in which a individual who took the PRing Seminar did not perform well on the MCAT (especially the verbal section). I don't know if this is a general phenomenon or an individual's result. Maybe some successful PRers and MCAT takers can shed some light on this.

Where am I now?
I still PR and activate my books on a weekly basis. I still believe that this process does work and it doesn't take to much time to perform it. However, with technical data, science or conceptual material (i.e. math, examples), I don't feel a connection between new information or "gelling". I usually have to slow down to regular reading to get anything out of it. With books that repeat the underline theme (i.e. Rich Dad Poor Dad, easy to read books), I do pick up on the information bits/trigger words and understand the main idea of the reading. However, I find myself superreading phases and picking up trigger words like "do... coins" when the actual sentence may state "Do not invest in gold coins." Big difference which can be costly on an exam. When I activate the material, I feel no difference from the common form of skimming taught in school and superreading/dipping/skittering. I guess I am looking for the magically results that I read on this forum. I would be more optimistic if I discovered some results in my effort. I apologize for my whining, but I just haven't discovered the true potential of Photoreading. I don't know if it is my PRing or activating that is causing me a problem. I appreciate all of you that have tried to help me through this. I feel that I have a least a good support group which keeps me trying to tap the inner resources/potential of my mind.

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I’m sorry to hear about your results. Although I haven’t received my results from my CPA exam yet, I know how it feels to try to learn a ton of information and not knowing whether you will pass or not. Perhaps you should start working on your reasoning skills rather than speed-reading. There are books out there that might help master this skill. You need to be persistent and never give up. A genius without persistence can end up being a garbage man. On the other hand, an average intelligence individual that is persistent can become the president of the US.

Good luck!

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try not to grab trigger words from small bits, if you pick words from a large context, it should show, for example, gold coins in a negative aspect throughout the whole paragraph, or the rest of the chapter may have something to do with the same concept. just let your intuition work, be in the right state to receive what your inner mind says... well im not very good at the whole thing myself but i hope this helped

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you wrote: I apologize for my whining, but I just haven't discovered the true potential of Photoreading

Right there is your main problem.

1. whining

2. it's about your true potential

You are dealing w/ a victim mentality & this is the reason you can't solve your problem.

Why are you going into medicine?
What is your main goal in medicine?
How much do you enjoy medicine?
How much of yourself is invested in medicine?
How do your parents feel about your medical career?
What field of medicine are you most interested in?

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You've highlighted a a significant problem in reading and test taking and it bite most students at times of test.

Its called extreme wording. You have to train yourself to pay attention to extreme wording such as not, never, always and every . These are easily overlooked since normally there is no visual association for these words. Try imagining not, or always... they mean nothing to the conscious mind on their own but they change the meaning of the message. A good writer will avoid writing in the the extreme but in test they show up a lot. And because in test one feels a bit more rushed they are even more readily overlook. So the key becomes use your PR skills to look for them.

It seem you feel you have a weak area in verbal reasoning. Well from what you say about your Photoreading ability I think you would be successful in direct learning from books that teach verbal reasoning skills. Find 4 or 5 of the best books and do a direct learning session with them. Since verbal reasoning is a skill that you need to practice it is highly unlikely that being able to PR a test alone will be the magic pill.You somehow need to learn verbal reasoning. You need to read the right books that help you to learn, understand, remember and use verbal reasoning skills.

Since you see the Photoreading skill in a positive light it can still help you. Remember everyone discovers the "true potential" of photoreading at their own pace.
Having been disappointed with your MCAT result... again... could in fact be a result of inner fear and overwhelming apprehension given that this was your third attempt. Also you've noticed yourself that you fall prey to extreme wording. I am guessing that you saw that you fell for this during the test. This also highlight consideratble tension on your part during testtaking. Understandable really. My suggestion is you work on entering the accelerative learning state some more. Go back to the earliest session i.e the first time where Paul trains you and repeat that for each photoreading session for a few days. The later sessions are shortened a bit. So that you become more confident entering it on your own. Once you are able to relax and let go of any tension that time limits create on you, you'll find Photoreading a lot more productive and probably will experience a lot less anxiety during tests.

Sorry there is nothing that I can really say that can lift the load of disappointment.


[This message has been edited by AlexK (edited June 11, 2002).]

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I hope you didn't misunderstand me when I said "whining". I was just using it as an extreme. I also know that there are probably individuals on this forum that are saying "not this guy again." I think I have a valid point in saying that I have had difficulty with seeing results in Photoreading which goes beyond the MCAT. This is the second year that I am applying and I have put a lot of blood, sweat and money into it. This is my calling and I can't see myself doing anything else but medicine. I appreciate your help and the help of others, I really do. I know that I may have painted a picture of myself as "a person giving up hope", but I am more determined that ever to get into medical school. I just need to make Photoreading work for me and I was hoping that someone may have the answer for me. Thanks for the support.

Originally posted by Margaret:
you wrote: [b]I apologize for my whining, but I just haven't discovered the true potential of Photoreading

Right there is your main problem.

1. whining

2. it's about your true potential

You are dealing w/ a victim mentality & this is the reason you can't solve your problem.

Why are you going into medicine?
What is your main goal in medicine?
How much do you enjoy medicine?
How much of yourself is invested in medicine?
How do your parents feel about your medical career?
What field of medicine are you most interested in?[/B]

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You know the only person you responded to was ME What does that tell you? There were 3 other posts to you w/ stuff for you to do.

I know why you chose to respond to me. Don't just lightly pass over your selection of adjectives and adverbs. You chose to use the word whine & to talk about PhR's potention instead of yours

Now you wrote to me in this last post: I just need to make Photoreading work for me and I was hoping that someone may have the answer for me.

Again you are using victim-type vocabulary. You want PhRing to work for you instead of you tackling PhRing and making it work for you. Subtle? Yes. Big difference? Yes.

Again you are hoping for someone to have an answer for you instead of you determining what you need to work on. Do you realize how much info has been put out there for you over the past? Tons. But, the info won't work for you because you want to unzip your head & have someone put it in.

I'm saying this for your own good. I have been mentoring a young man who is now in his 3rd year of residency. You are in for one hell of a time if you don't take the bull by the horns NOW... IT ONLY GETS HARDER IN MEDICAL SCHOOL AND RESIDENCY AND THEN BOARD CERTIFICATION It does not get easier. More material, more responsibility, more decisions. MCAT is nothing compared to what is coming your way.

good luck, my friend

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I sense your intentions are somewhat positive, however, I felt that in your last post you were questioning my effort and desire to be a doctor. I wanted to make it clear that I know what is ahead and I am dedicated to my calling. I also have a desire to make PR work and would just like some insight to what I can do differently and what it feels to have the information "gel". I again don't want to portrait myself as a victim or continue to defend my effort. I think 16 months of MCAT preparation was some effort on my part. I continue to work on my PRing and activating on a weekly basis, for I have not given up (or intend to give up). I appreciate everyone that has supported me. Thank you Margaret for your insight.

Originally posted by Margaret:
You know the only person you responded to was [b]ME
What does that tell you? There were 3 other posts to you w/ stuff for you to do.

I know why you chose to respond to me. Don't just lightly pass over your selection of adjectives and adverbs. You chose to use the word whine & to talk about PhR's potention instead of yours

Now you wrote to me in this last post: I just need to make Photoreading work for me and I was hoping that someone may have the answer for me.

Again you are using victim-type vocabulary. You want PhRing to work for you instead of you tackling PhRing and making it work for you. Subtle? Yes. Big difference? Yes.

Again you are hoping for someone to have an answer for you instead of you determining what you need to work on. Do you realize how much info has been put out there for you over the past? Tons. But, the info won't work for you because you want to unzip your head & have someone put it in.

I'm saying this for your own good. I have been mentoring a young man who is now in his 3rd year of residency. You are in for one hell of a time if you don't take the bull by the horns NOW... IT ONLY GETS HARDER IN MEDICAL SCHOOL AND RESIDENCY AND THEN BOARD CERTIFICATION It does not get easier. More material, more responsibility, more decisions. MCAT is nothing compared to what is coming your way.

good luck, my friend[/B]

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SDstudent, my daughter, who is still in high school, wants to eventually go into medicine. May I ask you whether you stay in a pre-med program while you prepare for your mcat? When can a pre-med student start taking the mcat?

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I was not questioning your desire to be a doctor. Not even remotely. You had already stated how it was the only thing for you.

What i was doing was trying to get you to get very clear on your direction and goals.

But, you read and tend to read from the approach of a glass being half empty. We are supposed to build on success. Your original post could have come from the viewpoint of building on success.

What i'm getting at, or trying to, is for you to look at your specific attitude and approach. I am not intending to demoralize you. But, i noticed and continue to notice something that will impact you in your profession. I'd be dishonest w/ you if i did not say outright that i want you to just change your attitude. I am pushing for this only. If you could get enuff self reflection in to change your vocabulary and approach and self image to one of solid self esteem, you'd see a remarkable difference in everything you tackle.

You might be amazed even. Noone goes into medicine who is not smart. Only the brighter students think about a medical career. So, it goes w/o saying: You're smart and have the intelligence as well as dedication to do this profession.

I'm going to tell you a Silva story to illustrate your predicament. It came to me last night. I think you can turn it all around in a flash. I sense this & have from the beginning of your posts. It's as though you think the problem is, say, on your right when, in fact, it's behind you. You are like the lady looking for her necklace. In looking for her precious necklace, she passes by a mirror & sees it around her neck.

The Silva story is this: A young girl had already failed to pass her bar exams two times. She went to Jose Silva and explained her problem. Silva knew that she had the smarts to pass. So, they programmed for a dream to help get a deeper perspective on her problem. She had a dream of being adopted. When she met w/ Jose, she said she felt so loved by her parents that she'd forgotten that she was adopted. But, somehow, maybe as a very small child, she felt unworthy for some reason. They programmed for this feeling unworthy. She passed the bar exam the very next time w/ a great score.

There's a negative something to your approach. PhRing is pretty simple. It's just a technique. As a result of learning PhRing, i found out i had to learn to deal w/ stress. I never knew my body had so much stress. I found out i lacked enuff self esteem. I could activate perfectly and then freak out. I had issues. I think you have issues too.

I also think you are special and deserving of all your dreams. There is no reason for you to not have them. But, you are looking in the wrong place at this time. Please read this post in a positive manner. Thanks

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