I have to congratulate you on your attempt to test photoreading. At least you are prepared to challenge it and are successfully proving yourself right.

You've tested yourself on articles that are relatively short. If your copies are layed out as are in mine the numbered lines (an unnessary distraction), intended to be a perfect width and size etc. They are not even that great for testing speed reading.

I personally have not used them for self testing because they are;
1 too short (7000 words at the most) I don't even get warmed up for photoreading that...
2 designed for practice of reading
3 Horrible formatting... inlays that are justified with the text on the right side and extend 1 1/4" over the justified body copy on the left. (Ok some books are that bad too but magazine articles of the same lenght are more appealing visually)
4. Pretty boring articles and if they are interesting topics... too short, they all seem to be extracts from textbooks, I'd have to hunt down more information elsewhere so I don't even get involved in the articles.
5. Too large a font and because its justified too gappy

OK so that's my reason for not using these tests.

I personally feel that the tests you are using are more practical for getting a hold of 'exam nerves'. And as such would of necessity slow you down.

I admire you for testing photoreading in this way. I hope you don't mind me asking you some questions.

Did you really go into the accelerative learning state (used the tangerine) to read that in photofocus? You flipped 12 to maybe 20 pages even if you included the self examination questions for each test.

Considering that are you happy with your results?

Did you find the articles interesting? If not..

Do you feel that you would have had the same or better results from magazine articles that personally interested you?
