What was your purpose/outcome statement for each book?

I used the same questions in the PR book, "What is my ultimate application of this material?" etc

Exactly what were the Mind Probing questions you wrote down before each activation pass and each Rapid Reading pass for each book?

I PR'd and read the actual test questions.

If I actually did the mind maps I would have spent 5 times the time. I used speedreading tests because that's what Paul said he did on the tapes. I'm "modelling."

Accelerated Learning State, I used it but didn't count it in total time spent. If I did, just like the mind maps, it would have sent the wpm through the floor.

Most of the reading I do is in short bursts (at work) and I have literally minutes to know it. I am not particularly interested in the stuff I have to read for work nor was I interested in these tests, but they were realistic.

A book is nothing more than a group of related "short" articles, called chapters and if Photoreading can't be tested on speedreading tests that are similar to chapters and other realistic reading assignments that pop up in actual reality then how should I test it? I already tested it on 2 years of college and every book I own and everything that looked good in the library.

I'm working on the tests in Tony Buzan's book right now, they're all True and false questions.