I understand. Look at it this way: for the level of material you've read, wouldn't some form of notetaking make sense? Chemistry, Law, Electronics, Anatomy & Physiology are no walk in the park to study, and in order to remember anything of depth, wouldn't some form of notetaking be necessary? Put another way, would you take a university course in any of these subjects without taking any notes, regardless of your reading method? I know I wouldn't, PR or no PR. Asking you to learn a complex subject without proper study and prep time is just plain unfair (even though it happens in the business world quite often).

I don't know how Dana or Paul feel about your posts but I personally think that what you did and your resulting posts are important. Maybe there are others who haven't found the results of PR to their liking either but who feel too timid to voice their opinions. Nobody wants to be seen as a troublemaker

You may have highlighted some areas of PR that need to be fine tuned. Remember that mind science is still in its infancy...there's much research left to be done before it's perfected.