This may seem simple-minded but on the very last tape on the B side at the very end Paul has the listener do a visualization. I used it up until i started doing Silva stuff. It's a nice little technique w/ great results.

You just program yourself to ask mind probing questions. It wouldn't hurt to write down your questions and also to be on the look out for hearing and seeing great questions from others. You know the exercise of determining to look for the color blue during the day? Whenever i do that, i'm amazed at how many blues i see. I have also done off-the-wall colors and seen them, much to my amazement. WELL, you can do that w/ questions too.

I've been very busy lately and have the book Frogs to Princes. I've only PhR it and programmed questions. I've spent about 10 minutes on it so far & am getting clearer. I've marked about 10 places w/ dry highlighter. When i do sit down to activate it, it'll only take 20 minutes, but i'll MM it so that i have it for reference. So, what i'm getting at is that i've only done questions & PhR. I haven't even done super read & dip.