Hi: There's a guy in San Juan, Puerto Rico, that prepares a garbled CD-ROM with your own voice to reprogram your amygdalas. The reason some subliminal tapes might not work well could very well be that the subconscious recognizes your voice and accepts reprogramming if you are following certain rules obediently. This guy sells CD-ROM's to get you into Alpha, Theta, and Delta easily, besides your own reprogramming CD. Costs: Reprogramming CD--$125; other CD's--$15 each. You have to be at his office to do a reprogramming CD, your opportunity to visit Puerto Rico and get it done. His address: psicosonia@caribe.net
His name: Alejandro Jose (787)728-5372
Fax (787)726-5507
The personal CD covers: Self-esteem; Health;
Productivity/Prosperity; Personal Relationships. Tell him Antonio Granados (Photoreader) referred you. I don't know if he speaks English, but don't let that hold you back, others in his office might. An e-mail or fax might be better than a call if there's a language barrier. Good Luck, Antonio