When rapid reading... keep going even if you are uncertain if you understood it, no backtracking. If you notice yourself slowing down push up the speed again. Going slow is costing comprehension. You'll improve your comprehension again by going faster. Set time limits. If you say to yourself your are going to read for 30 minutes only read for 30 minutes as soon as the time is up stop whether you're finished or not. Get back on track.

As an idea during the 30 minutes if you only rapid read 30 pages then the next 30 minutes see if you can increase it to 40 pages... build up slowly at first. Just remember if you say to yourself you are going to read 30 minutes stick to it, changing your mind while you are reading is not allowed . You made an agreement with yourself and if you habitually break that agreement... well the mind decides it doesn't have to keep any promises either. Yes, we do sabotage ourselves that way.

If at all possible concentrate on activation using superreading and dipping and avoid rapid reading altogether. Remember rapid reading should only be used as a last resort. You'll notice you get better comprehension out of 4 x 30 minute activation session than the slowed down rapid read. (4 x 30 = 2 hours) I know that is not the preferred technique for a novel however by doing this with a couple of novels it will help bring back the confidence about the comprehension. If you feel yourself wanting to go straight to a rapid read. Resist and instead search what you can get out of the book in a 30 minute activation session. Regularly using the activation techniques will bring your rapid reading and general reading speed back up.
