I don't know if this applies to you, but awhile back I had a significant decrease in my activation time.

I realized it was because I was concentrating too much on my technique, rather than on the content I was activating.

Too slow: "What am I doing wrong? Did I PR it right? Maybe I should go back to incubating it...why am I screwing this up?"
Too fast: "I'm going too fast...I'm going to have to do another pass after this one.."(which is okay in itself, but to think about it didn't work well for me.
Right on track: "Hey, I'm doing alright!" (After which, my speed or comprehension would suffer).

In each case, I stopped focusing on what I was reading and concentrated on what I was doing. I did what Margaret just mentioned, which was to activate a book I had already read. Because the content was familiar, I would kind of spend more of my attention recognizing it instead of worrying about activating it.

In other words, rapid read the book, but don't think about rapid reading the book, if that makes any sense =).

-Ramon http://razor.ramon.com